Page 117 of Silent Jay

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“Hum.” Doctor Raba said. “Your days are numbered, imposter.”

I tried to scream, but only a line of drool dripped out of my slack mouth. Fear made it hard to breathe.

“We want you back and Ryker wants your hold on his son gone.” He grunted. “Lucky me, finding you floating amongst the clouds.”

He mumbled something under his breath, and the air around me grew cold. My vision faded to a blurry black and white. I’d spent a lot of time in invisibility spells. Even just eavesdropping on a conversation was fun from time to time, but being in someone else's spell, powerless and not of my own choice, chilled my blood. Or would have if I could feel. Pannic darkened my vision, and I fount to stay in control.

Doctor Raba mumbled again, and my body rose into the air, my head and arms lulling like a broken doll. I floated behind him as an unseen shadow. Fear made my heart race. I tried to scream, to move, to do anything, but whatever he’d drugged me with was super effective.

Really, super effective? That’s the best you can come up with?

I’m trapped in my own corpse and trying not to panic. Shut up!

If I could have hyperventilated, I would have, but I couldn’t, so I listened to the sound of his even footsteps and the occasional drag of my toes when his spell dipped. With my head dropping, I could make out part of the floor and white pictureless walls. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry, though he put his arm out, pressing me to the side as a gaggle of children rushed past us.

At least you can’t feel your hangover anymore.

I’ll give that one to you.

“No running in the halls!” Sister Abby called out.

Abby! I tried to scream her name, but nothing happened. My snuggle buddy and partner in crime from last night stopped in front of the doctor, giving me a glorious view of her hidden calf muscle and nothing else.

“Good morning, Doctor,” Sister Abby said. The sound of feet sliding and shuffling filled the hall.

“Your eyes, sister. Are you feeling well?” Doctor Raba asked.

“Yes,” Sister Abby snapped too quickly. “I just thought I smelled something.”

I screamed from my cage. ‘You smell me!! Help!’ But not even a squeak came out.

Never thought you’d miss those.


“Something your dragon wants, clearly,” Doctor Raba stated. “I’ve never seen a sister struggle with control before. I suggest meditating and coming to terms with your beast.”

More of the sister’s robes came into view as I assumed she leaned forward.

“Do you need me to summon the high priestess?” Doctor Raba asked.

Sister Abby stepped back, her robes completely disappearing from view. “No. I’ll be on my way.”

Her footsteps rang as she hurried down the hall. Doctor Raba waited until they disappeared before letting out a hiss of tense air and rushing forward with me still in tow.

We passed a little line of kids sitting against the wall before Doctor Raba rushed through a door and shoved me under what looked like a metal medical table. I landed face up, looking at bits of chewing gum and stains in various shades of gray. Doctor Raba walked across the room to a little kitchen area. He set his bag down and prepared a medical tray.

If I could have held my breath, I would have. Would he kill me now? Drug me with something else?

He spun around and stalked toward the table. A wave of panic made it hard to think and doubled when my body didn’t respond. Instead of reaching for me, he threw a white cloth overthe metal surface and unlocked the door. “Dillon, you’re up first today.”

I focused on the teen missing his left arm who sauntered into the room, anything to not think about myself. A grin made his lopsided underbite sand out. He hopped up on the table, his ankles dangling only a few inches from the floor.

“And how was your week?” Doctor Raba asked, his voice calming.

“Mymonthwas okay.” The teen responded. “My jaw started hurting again.”

“Sorry, son,” Doctor Raba said. His feet came into my view, as I assumed he poked and prodded his patient. “I can’t up your pain meds. Did you think about what we talked about last time?”

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