Page 11 of Silent Jay

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Tyson couldn’t answer me with words, but his fists crashing into my scaled stomach told me everything I needed to know. I tightened my grip and rolled, pinning the younger, smaller dragon.

However, he wasn’t as young or small as I remembered.

He bucked and struggled under me. I grunted and took the beating to keep him down. Giggles was mine. Time slowed. I waited for bubbles to stop coming out of his mouth and his motions to still. After a final weak punch to my face, Tyson wentlimp. I dropped my magic and pressed my fingers against his neck.

His pulse thumped evenly while his fire magic sputtered in his chest. I focused on it, willing my water to wrap around his flame and snuff it out. Every muscle in my body strained with the effort until his heat quenched. I grunted and collapsed beside his unconscious body.

He’d have to go through a fire ceremony to relight his fire, but he’d live.

I clenched my fist and forced myself up before I did more damage. No need to start a war between the elements. Our fight would be collateral damage of The Hunt as long as I didn’t leave him with lasting injuries.

I took a moment to get my hair back off my neck before beating my wings and rising into the cool night air. Blood pumped in my veins, erasing the aching bruises covering my body. Testosterone and adrenaline combined, giving me a high I’d never experienced. I let out a roar. I was the last dragon standing. I’d won my mate! Now, all I had to do was find her and claim her.

My dick strained against the scales protecting it. My fears from earlier in the day had vanished. Giggles had led me on a chase, presented me with a challenge, and won my heart without a word. She was my soulmate. My other half. My angelfish.

I roared at the sky.A stream of cold blue flame jutted into the air.

Despite my new knowledge, Giggles still wasn’t in my arms. I shifted my eyes into my dragon sight and scanned the darkening ground for signs of her.

An unnatural outline in the cliff just under our fight revealed a smudged boot print. “Clever little thing.” I dropped down,looking at the view. “Why would you run all the way up here just to go back down?”

No longer here, she couldn’t answer me, but her trail was clear as day racing down the mountain. I launched myself into the air and rocketed toward the tree line. Folding my wings at the last moment to keep them from getting caught, I shot into the branches and hit the ground running. Unlike her flight up, her flight down looked like a mad rush.

My heart skipped a beat where she’d missed her footing and fallen. The scent of her blood was strong. Two more times, I found similar spots, and confusion mingled with my joy. She shouldn’t be afraid. This was a game—a game she signed up for.

Her trail rocketed into a clearing with the rubble of a medieval stone barn still in its center.

I slowed, searching for any sign of movement. The indent of her footsteps in the soft dirt ground became lighter and closer together as I approached the foundation of the ruins. Her scent, layered under mud, filled the air with licorice.

As I rounded the shell of the hut, a fist shot out, connecting with my jaw, and I tilted to the side in shock. Another fist followed the first before my attacker made the most adorable squeak I’d ever heard and tried to drive her foot into my crotch.

Still covered in my scales, I didn’t feel the impact, and her foot jarred. She squeaked again, hopping backward. More on instinct than conscious effort, I grabbed her ankle before she made it out of reach. We locked gazes. Brilliant green studied me through a mud mask, making her look like a monster rising out of a lagoon.

She was perfect.

I rubbed a circle in the slick sludge, covering her ankle with my thumb. She scowled and jumped on her one leg, spinning in midair. I lost my grip and grinned as she landed on the ground in a heap. Quick as a sailfish, she rolled backward and onto her feet.

I lunged for her again, but she blocked my punch, darting forward to land an uppercut on my chin. Before it hit, I wrapped her tiny fist in my own and stepped forward. She tried for my balls, and I again trapped her leg. This time, I wrapped my other hand around her waist and lifted her, rushing toward the decaying building. Her back thumped against the wall.

She tried to hit me again with her free hand, and I caught that one as well before crushing her to the building with my hips. I gathered both her fists in one hand. The moon shone down on us. A blanket of bugs and nature made the perfect backdrop to our deep breaths.

With my free hand, I wiped down her face and neck, revealing the glowing honey-colored skin I’d seen earlier.

I caught her gaze and held it. “I’ve never worked this hard for anything in my life.”

A mix of fear, heat, and adrenaline burned in her irises. My dick strained against my dragon scales, desperate to escape its jail. But this moment wasn’t about my needs. It was about her. It was about us, a future where she’d never leave my side.

She opened her mouth, but I pressed my lips to hers before she spoke. She tensed in my arms and froze in surprise before kissing me back with heat matching my own. Our tongues met in the middle, fighting for dominance.

It wasn’t a battle she could win, but she didn’t need to know, yet. A purr I didn’t think a dragon shifter physically made rumbled in my chest.

I released her lips, shaking with need. Despite my better judgment, I shifted part of my jaw and nuzzled into her. Her breasts pressed into me in time with her short gasps, but she tilted her head at my urging. I nibbled the spot just under her ear before slicing it with one of my teeth. My dragon’s fork tongue snaked out, and I pressed my magic, my very essence, into the cut.

She trembled, struggling to pull her hands out of my grip, but I couldn’t stop, and I wouldn’t stop. She was mine. My magic, everything that made me, flowed into her. I’d never marked anyone before, and instinct took over. I claimed this incredible creature, carving our love and place in the world onto her skin. I promised her my life, my very soul, while the stars above us sang.

Just as I pulled back from her, ready to claim her lips and more, something hard impacted the back of my head. Pain cut through my rapture. My vision dipped to black, and I dropped to the ground like a stone. A foot pressed against my back.

“She’s mine, asshole,” Tyson hissed before hitting me again, and I knew no more.

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