Page 97 of Fate of Draga

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“She gets that from me,” Varan stated proudly as the four of them waited for the ramp to lower.

“You both are going to give me a heart attack one day,” Nash grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

Adelina gave the brute a wink and strode forward – the first to walk out of theJasminefollowed by all her troops behind them.

Kaiden watched her and brushed the tip of his wing against Nash to comfort him. “We’ll have to be the voice of reason.”

“You still haven’t said anything nice about me to her. I was there. You said nothing.” Nash eyed Kaiden, a small twitch at the corner of his lip.

He couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ll make sure it’s something far better than the size of your cock,” Kaiden promised.

They walked in tandem with Varan slightly ahead of them, but behind Adelina, up those damn stairs. Kaiden eyed the white marble that went up and up again. He wished he could fly up to the golden doors where Adelina was clearly headed.

Where Kaita stood with all the Kharan royals and a female he didn’t recognize.

Millions of people were in the streets, pushing to get closer to the palace, but warriors held them back as the Neprijat procession went through. That no one tried to murder them before they could surrender was a testament to what they thought of Adelina.

There was still blood on the stairs, both black and red. Kaiden didn’t bother avoiding it as they climbed. More and more people gathered and those blasted recorders started flitting about, taking in everything – every tiny detail.

When Adelina reached the top of the stairs she turned and stared out at the city – at the people gathered below and the Neprijat making their way to them.

So few left – so few who had taken her offer.

They were led by their own – Neprijat who wore the queen’s crest and the red and gold that identified them as rebels. Kaiden was proud of them for being willing to change their ways – for those who’d seen the evil and had done something about it.

At the front he spied…a female.

Whispers flew and grew into a roar as she climbed the steps first, leading the Neprijat who planned to surrender.

And Adelina stood before them all with the three of them a few steps below – a warrior and a conqueror.

A goddess.

William, Asher, and Veri came from the sides, standing on the same level as Nash and Kaiden. Varan was one stair above them, but two below Adelina.

Ian and Nadyah stood to the side, below the princes and Veri. All the Drakesthai were there that had fought in Khara. All the Unchanged and those who’d come from Brogna.

They’d all come to see their enemy surrender and they didn’t jeer at the Neprijat. They didn’t throw things or try to take any of them out. They were here to witness.

Adelina kept her eyes locked on the Neprijat female – as they all did.

The king had been terrifying but she…she was the same – but not. Kaiden could sense her strength and her wildness. She was a warrior and all the rebel Neprijat stared at her and Adelina. Kaiden could sense the relief of an entire people in the way they looked at those two females.

When the female was five steps below Kaiden she stopped. “I am Princess Dejah, daughter of the king you slaughtered. Hidden away the moment I was conceived. And I am here to swear my allegiance to you, Queen Adelina.”

Then the Neprijat princess knelt before Adelina and Kaiden watched as all the rebels behind her did the same.

“We swear allegiance to Adelina – the Queen of Draga,” thousands upon thousands said in unison.

Adelina watched them all, unimpressed despite what she’d accomplished. Kaiden spread his wings wide. She was perfect.

“I want those who took this system and others to come forward.”

Princess Dejah stepped aside and watched with hatred in her eyes as those males came forward. The same hatred that was in so many Kalan and Corinthian eyes. Kaiden wondered if he was the only one who saw the similarity.

Those warriors knelt as well, bowing their heads before her as they waited for her decision.

“Swear allegiance in blood,” she demanded, eyes narrowed as she waited to see if they would obey.

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