Page 58 of Fate of Draga

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“I’ll support this,” Asher said, looking at Sozav again. “But I want to meet with the other rebels. I want Veri with me when we send out the request for them to come to us. And they have to be fast, or this alliance won’t matter. None of us will be here to keep it.”

The queen stood and Kaiden’s wings spread slightly. The movement was protective and Asher was glad to see that despite this entire situation, one of her males was acting with her safety in mind.

Adelina raised her brow at him. “You don’t think I can take him if he attacked me?”

Somehow she’d known what he’d been thinking and Asher went completely still. He’d made a mistake, but there was no way to take it back now.

Sozav bowed his head so low his forehead touched his knee. “I would never, my queen.”

“Yes, I know that. When was the last time you ate?”

The look of shock on the Neprijat’s face was almost comical. “It’s been a few days, your majesty.”

Adelina tapped out a message on her simulcast. “Your request is granted, Prince Asher. But you will be working closely with Sozav. Is that going to be a problem?”

The Neprijat straightened slightly, but still kept his gaze on the floor. He was trying so hard to be the perfect example for his people. Asher could do no less.

“No, I don’t think it will.”

And just like that the tension in the room eased.

Veri took his hand and squeezed – Asher could practically feel her pride.

“All right then, let’s bring in William and I’ll have Vitto bring in food as well,” Adelina said, turning back to her simulcast. “It’s going to be a long day and you should all eat something.”

Nash sat down in the chair near Sozav, but Kaiden stayed standing, wings spread wider now that he had more room.

“Do you all sleep in the same bed?” Veri asked. “How do your wings fit? What if someone rolls on them?”

Asher nearly choked. “Veri, I don’t believe those are polite questions.”

Kaiden’s blush was intriguing though.

“But they’re all going to be my brothers. I know who sleeps in Alock’s bed.”

Adelina looked up at Asher with a twinkle in her eyes. “Are they?”

Asher sighed, but he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. “I was going to wait until there were more people to embarrass you with, but this will do.” He knelt before Veri and she went completely still. Then he slid a hand into his pocket.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t you dare,” she hissed.

“Perhaps you should have thought about that before announcing we are all going to be kin to validate your nosy questions.” Then Asher pulled out a velvet box and opened it. “Veri of Priea, will you officially accept my proposal for marriage?”

“I already have,” she snapped. “A ring doesn’t make it any more official. IknewI should have worn a gown.”

Asher chuckled and slipped the ring on her finger. “Perhaps, but flustering you was worth it.”

“Adelina didn’t kneel when she proposed to me,” Kaiden stated, frowning in confusion.

Nash slapped him on the shoulder, careful of the wings. “She didn’t for me either. But women don’t usually propose in Draga, so be grateful she gave you a ring at all.”

Adelina smirked at Nash. “He’s just sore he hasn’t gotten one yet even if we did get our marriage tattoos.”

Standing, Asher kissed Veri’s scowl. He loved when she got all riled up. “Well, less gold on a wedding once we get home then,” he said, sitting beside her.

His sister rolled her eyes. “You’ve always been rather stingy.”

“I still want to know if they sleep in the same bed,” Veri grumbled.

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