Page 29 of Fate of Draga

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“Gear up, mate,” Varan ordered, stalking out of the bedroom like some sort of feline predator.

The male had washed if the scent of soap was right. He still had Adelina’s scent twined in his, but Kaiden knew that it was the mating bond – irrevocably changing his very biology for the female currently on his lap.

The king consort was suited up in his royal spidersilk armor and Kaiden instantly stood, lifting Adelina up with him. She laughed and slid down the length of his body, teasing until her feet hit the floor.

Kaiden shuddered, but kissed her cheek and turned to his own bedroom – the one Adelina had assigned to him. It was identical to Nash’s and roomy enough he had no issues moving around with his wings.

His mate had commissioned armor for him as well. When she’d done it he had no idea, but it had been waiting for him when he first stepped foot in his new room.

As he slid it from the display, Kaiden promised himself he would find her what she needed. If Adelina needed weapons he would drop them at her feet like roses. If she wanted a Neprijat warship he would take one and present it to her.

Stepping into the armor he checked his reflection. As it conformed to his body, making room for his wings, Kaiden admired the black and gold – similar but different to Varan’s with his rank and name indicated on his chest. The royal crest was on his right arm and his family’s crest on the other.

Adelina was trying to blend their lives, he knew. She would not let his past or Nash’s become erased despite their new lives. Kaiden knew that Adelina would never make him shed his customs for hers, even when they lived in the Draga Royal Palace.

“Ready to go?” Nash yelled from the main room. “Let’s get this done already.”

Kaiden adjusted his armor and stepped into the boots. A prince of Khara was somehow mated to the same female he was. That was something he’d never expected. Kaiden wondered if the universe or Fate had a sense of humor and wanted to test his patience.

Stepping out of the room Kaiden realized how small the differences between the three of them were. In the same armor their similarities shined. Nash’s dusky brown skin was just a shade different than Kaiden’s own – more caramel than chocolate as Adelina would say. The male was built almost identically and they were both unusually tall.

Varan was the most different but even he had wide shoulders and that same golden skin that Adelina had. His blond hair and green eyes set him apart but the color was a reflection of Kaiden’s. Blue and green compared to Nash’s brown. But it wasn’t the coloring, the tattoos, or the differences in how each had their hair.

It was the shape of their faces, the bone structure, and the musculature. Each was a version of the other. Give Varan a bit more height and he would be the same as Nash and Kaiden.

They really were from the same people – even if Kaiden had wings and Varan could summon claws and fangs, and Nash…he could rip someone apart with his bare hands and was ungodly fast for someone of his size.

“The factory was abandoned a cycle ago,” Kaiden told them. “There shouldn’t be any Neprijat remaining, but we’ll need to be careful. Any other locations that were hidden from us might still have Neprijat as well.”

“Would they have known about the coup?” Adelina asked, frowning as she considered. “Do you think they’ve reported to Khara?”

Kaiden tucked his wings in closer and grabbed his blades and weapons from the wall near the door. After the last battle Adelina had removed the art and set up the display so their weapons were easily available. It was smart during wartime. How she even thought of such things he didn’t know…she’d grown up in peace.

“If they have…” Varan shook his head. “We can’t risk informing Kaita if they have. It would only endanger her more. If they have not, we’ll get rid of them before they can. After all we’ve kept up appearances quite well. No patrols have missed reporting in to the Neprijat king.”

Their mate nodded, wrapping her silk robe around her even tighter. “Go, and come back to me soon.”

Varan kissed her, lingering with a hand on her lower back. “We’ll be back before you know it,” he murmured against her lips before walking out of their living quarters.

Kaiden gave her a quick kiss as he followed Varan. “We’ll report in as soon as we know anything,kyotona.” Then he followed Varan and they stood in the hall waiting for Nash.

The Corinthian prince held Adelina’s face gently and kissed her forehead. It always shocked Kaiden how the male softened for her – how he became gentle and loving. “I wish you could come with us,milchka.”

“As do I,” she whispered. “Come back to me in one piece.” Adelina met each of their eyes. “All of you.”

Nash joined them and they all looked back at her one last time – reminding themselves what they were fighting for.

“As you wish,” Varan told her. Kaiden and Nash grinned in agreement.

Then they walked to the lift as one.

Chapter Nine


The Jasmine

Khara/Hai Border

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