Page 103 of Fate of Draga

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They had made it home.

And Veri would be his wife one day.

Asher couldn’t remember a day in his life when he’d been happier than right then at that moment. He’d been willing to give up everything for his people – sacrifice anything for the female at his side and the future they could one day have.

That they’d made it – that they’d been victorious, was something he was still coming to terms with. What his sister had done – the checkmate she’d moved them into…

Asher was no fool. They would be dealing with the aftermath of that for a while.

Then there was the issue of the Neprijat. He had no idea what his sister had planned – how to integrate them into their society, but she’d had them orbit Draga Terra for now. Only a handful were in the procession, including the Princess Dejah and Sozav.

She’d insisted representation from every faction be present at her coronation and Asher was proud of her for staying true to her word no matter how hard this would be. Their people needed to change and adapt with them, set aside their prejudices.

Because without the help of the Neprijat they wouldn’t be here today.

Thegalinasstopped as Adelina stepped down from hers and waved at the people gathered – still cheering and throwing rose petals. They would have much work to do, but Asher looked forward to it.

He dismounted and held out a hand for Veri, who took it with a playful smile. Then she was in his arms and kissed him gently before following after their queen. He took a moment and looked back to William – now battle-hardened and experienced. William gave him a nod. The boy would follow Adelina to the ends of the universe and back for trusting him to lead.

Ian and Nadyah were behind William, dismounting as well. And those two…Asher was happy for his brother. They would make their family and their court strong – something to be reckoned with.

Something for other systems to think about before they did anything stupid.

His sister had given him the greatest gift anyone in their family had ever bestowed upon him. Adelina had gifted Asher the ability to change the galaxy – something he’d thought he’d never be able to do unless he was king. Now he was Hand to the Queen and she looked to him for assistance when it came to their future.

He knew she would take his suggestions seriously and they would build a new world for their people – one that was better and brighter than ever before. One where they had allies and friends who would die for them, and they would return the favor.

So much was available to them now. Asher couldn’t wait to begin the work.

“Are you coming, love?” Veri asked, blue eyebrow raised. “Or are you trying to make as many females faint with your scowl as possible before we enter the palace?”

Goddess she was perfect. “Oh, that scowl is only reserved for you now darling. Do you feel faint?”

She smiled as he fell into step beside her. “Perhaps a little. After all…it’s so fearsome.”

Asher actually snorted. “Thank you for trying to feed my ego, but you can’t laugh when you say such things. It makes it less believable.”

Veri shrugged. “Ah well, I suppose that’s true. I wonder who will help me into my gown if I’ve wounded you so terribly.”

His lip quirked up into a smile and Asher stepped into the palace with Veri at his side.

There was no one else he’d rather argue with for the rest of his life.

Chapter Twenty-Four

The Fate of Draga


It was strange being back in the palace after…everything. Ian still felt a ringing in his ears from the battle on Khara Prime.

That they were still alive was hard for him to believe.

Nadyah was alive and well and in his rooms. She looked out of place among all his clutter.

“I’ll have them redone, or…perhaps we could move to a different suite,” Ian muttered, scratching the back of his neck as he looked around.

He’d shared this space with P’draic for so long it was probably for the best to move.

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