Page 81 of Heir of Draga

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Chapter Twenty-Two


The Royal Eyrie

Planet Hai Delta

Prince Kaiden caught up to them and then led her and Nash’s group to a room that was well furnished. It appeared to be some sort of fancy waiting area. “I will get you those files now Princess Adelina, while the Council discusses their options. I doubt you will have an answer before tomorrow. In the meantime you will be served lunch while rooms are set up for your people. Please, give me numbers and I will have it done.”

Adelina glanced at Varan, and then Roxy and Nadyah. The engineer surprised her when she nodded in agreement. She would stay in the castle then and not the ship. “Just three rooms, and please have them attach if at all possible. The rest of my warriors and crew will stay on my starships. My guards will rotate and head back to the ship when their shift is complete.”

Kaiden nodded and then left them. It was a strange contrast to when Nash had been welcomed on Draga Terra. Kaiden didn’t ask to vet her guards or her warriors. They hadn’t even asked about the Ravager which clearly did not match with her armada. Adelina wasn’t sure what to make of it.

She turned to inspect the room they’d been thrust into, hiding them from curious Drakesthai eyes. Adelina purposefully ignored Nash so she could figure out what to say.

This room was also made of rock. The entire eyrie was actually the mountain and its various caves and caverns. Only some of the outside had been carved into turrets and towers and ramparts. It was oddly beautiful if a bit cold.

A fire raged in a massive, ornate gold fireplace with strange winged and scaled carvings. Jewels set into the stone glittered in the warm light. Adelina’s gaze inspected the velvet and satin couches and armchairs in deep jewel tones of sapphire and emerald and ruby.

The door slid open right when Nash opened his mouth. A servant set out food and drinks on a dining table and then disappeared. Adelina noted the male and his wings. The second he disappeared she smiled at Kaita.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, I’m Princess Adelina.” She stepped forward and gave Kaita the traditional kiss of greeting just to put the other female on unsteady ground. “I am relieved to see you are alive and well.”

Kaita glared and yanked back, but she didn’t say anything rude. “Yes, and I’m sure you know I’m Princess Kaita.”

Adelina introduced Varan, Nadyah, and Roxy. Then she sat down on an armchair and finally looked at Nash.

The room was tense, stifling, and awkward. Adelina would give anything to leave, but she had to see this through. Nash had to hear everything. She only hoped he would listen and it wouldn’t be their end.

“I’m truly happy to see you, Nash. Please, sit.”

Nadyah was the first to sit on the couch near Adelina, and Roxy sat as close to the courtesan as possible. Varan pulled an armchair closer to hers and then slumped into it, lounging in that way of his.

Kaita glared at every single one of them. Adelina didn’t know why the female didn’t like them, or what Nash had told her. Perhaps the warrior princess simply didn’t like Kalans after her time spent on Seprilles. But she finally sat on the edge of the opposite couch so she wouldn’t be required to take off her blades.

Nash sat as well, but he didn’t look happy about it. He kept glancing at Kaita, and Adelina wondered what she’d missed while he was away on his mission. When he wasn’t looking to his princess his gaze flicked between her and Varan. There didn’t seem to be much pain in his expression, mainly anger and betrayal.

Nadyah and Roxy looked so innocuous together, so easy to overlook, but that’s why they were backup. Everyone had prepared for this reunion in one way or another. Even Adelina. It was why she’d been training with Varan and Nadyah, flexing her newfound dominance like a muscle until she could use it when she needed like Raena had during the riots.

The anxiety she could feel from Varan was well hidden, but Adelina had courtesan genes. She could read everyone in the room like a book and she clenched her teeth as she smiled pleasantly at Nash, waiting for the coming explosion.

“It seems much has changed since I left Draga Terra,” Nash finally said, crossing his arms over his chest, making his muscles bulge. “Care to explain?”

Internally Adelina sighed. Goddess, why did he have to be so gorgeous and also so bull-headed?

Varan bristled beside her and sat up, but she was the one who snapped. “Not that I owe you an explanation, Prince, but we both knew this was a possibility, that Raena – goddess protect her soul – would force me to marry. I’m sure you saw her offer me to the Neprijat.”

Adelina stood then, flexing her claws and ignoring the way Kaita tensed. She had too much restless energy with the wolf still so close to the surface. Working it off was imperative to a civil conversation. “There were situations beyond my control, and as such I set things into motion to allow myself to regain that control. When I asked Varan to officially request my hand I was not prepared to fall in love with him. But I did. That does not mean I don’t love you.”

Nash practically growled at her words, obviously disbelieving.

“Before you say something you’ll regret,” Adelina cut in. She stopped next to Varan’s chair and placed her hand on his shoulder. “We’d like to make an official proposal for your hand in marriage.” Varan nodded at her words, but she could still feel how tense he was.

One could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed.

Kaita’s mouth dropped open in shock as did Nash’s. His arms fell to his sides and he looked to Varan as though she may be making some ridiculous jest at his expense. The serious expression on Nadyah, Roxy, and Varan’s faces made the blood drain from his face.

“How can you possibly be okay with this?” Nash demanded, jumping to his feet.

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