Page 71 of Heir of Draga

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Adelina felt such relief her legs felt weak and unsteady, but she kept the emotion from her face and nodded at the prince. “Can you speak Dragan?” she asked.

There was a Common tongue, but no one had used it in generations. Not when trade had been restricted to Khara and Brogna after the first attack from the Neprijat during King Beo’s reign. The only reason she was able to speak Drakesthai at all was those old texts and teachers from before the borders were closed.

“We can,” Prince Kaiden said in Dragan as he straightened, eyeing what he could see of her. “We treasure many things, but information above all.” His accent was husky and soft. The words seemed to roll off his tongue.

“My kind of bloke,” Varan muttered.

Adelina cut him a look but then turned back to the dragon prince. He was incredibly handsome and those strange blue eyes looked stunning against his deliciously browned skin. She had to remind herself this was a political situation. Just because one of them seemed to like her, and if she were honest with herself she liked him as well, it didn’t mean things on Hai Delta would go smoothly.

“Then please, lead the way,” Adelina said, tilting her head ever so slightly at Kaiden. “I look forward to discussing our options with your Council.”

Prince Kaiden bowed again and then turned, those magnificent wings flaring out as he did so right before the vid transmission cut off.

“We are powering up all engines,” the captain informed her. “Full speed ahead.”

“I should head back to my ship,” Delphine stated, the color completely drained from her face.

Adelina smiled warmly at her over her shoulder. “I request your presence until we reach the capitol,” she said, feeling a canine prick her lip. “I wouldn’t want you to get lost along the way.”

Delphine’s face closed off and she crossed her arms over her chest, her two shipmates stepping closer to her. “I doubt I’d get lost, Princess. I’ve been traversing these stars for cycles. I am loyal to you above all others.”

Adelina glanced at the pirate captain. Maybe she was. “Swear it. We are entering unfamiliar territory and I need those who are loyal without question close to me.”

“I swear on my blood, Princess.”

The pirate may be a thief, murderer, and the goddess knew what else, but Adelina could trust her, she knew it deep in her bones. “I accept your oath. Please if you feel the need, send your first mate back to your ship, but I would like your counsel.”

Delphine nodded and the two males left with a crew member back to the lift.

Adelina stayed on Command, watching as they followed the route the Hai ship led them through. A few hours he’d said. Their engines were at full power and she wondered if the Hai ships were faster, more powerful than even the Kharan ships with their fancy tech.

“Lina,” Varan whispered, coming closer, his breath against her ear. Goddess, what would she do without him? He gave her such strength and courage. “The download has completed and you need to see it.”

Without question she went to her console and pulled up the downloads from the livestream and everything Asher had sent her. A battle raged before her and she could barely stomach the sights but she made herself watch it.

She watched as Scyria was nearly decimated; as pirates attacked evacuees, and privateers were able to rescue some of them thank the Three-Faced Goddess. The armies led by Asher, Veri, and Sirus did the best as Priea and Scyria have always fought for their lives and others.

But the royal forces were out of practice, unable to do much against the Neprijat. At least they’d been able to take out most of the pirates along with the privateers. But they were messy and lost many. Adelina’s eyes stayed dry as she took it all in, absorbing the intel and mulling it over.

When the vids ended Adelina had to close her eyes for a moment. The death reports were still coming together so they didn’t know the full extent of their losses just yet, but it seemed the shield made no difference when the monsters were already within their borders.

Asher’s face popped up and she noticed it was a live message. They weren’t as far from each other as she’d first thought. Whatever tech the Drakesthai had they were allowing her this message. And probably listening in.

“Prince Asher,” Adelina said, warning him with her formal words. “It is a pleasure to see you, brother.”

“Did you get the updates?” Asher demanded. That glare was back on his face. Whatever happiness he’d enjoyed with Veri had taken a back seat to the gruesome war.

“I did.”

“Elle is devastated and unstable.” More code. Asher didn’t want anyone knowing he spoke of their queen.

She considered her brother’s words, too many thoughts swirled for her to settle on one. “What does our queen plan next?”

“The queen believes it is best to remain defensive. She’s even considering abandoning the outer rim and pulling our forces back to the inner shield now that the evacuations are mostly complete.”

The silence on Command as they all took that in was deafening.

Adelina could see the worry and fear in her brother’s eyes. If they gave up the outer rim how soon until they were all the way back to Draga Terra? Giselle’s word as queen was now law. Her fear and indecision could cost them the war.

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