Page 49 of Heir of Draga

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She tugged on a curl and tried to ignore how nervous she was. Even her palms were sweaty.

“Joslynn.” Sirus’s voice was warm and pleased. “You arrived on Pedranus safely?” A few seconds later his face came into focus.

She smiled and nodded, inspecting him and his familiar ship behind him for any sign of distress. “Are you somewhere private?” she asked.

He frowned but left the room he was in. “I am now. What’s wrong?” Sirus barely hid the panic in his eyes.

It was difficult to say the words, but she didn’t want him worried any longer than necessary. They both knew this could happen. It shouldn’t be too much of a shock. “I just found out I’m with child,” she said softly, blushing as she realized how much she wanted him to be happy about this.

No, not just happy. Joslynn wanted Sirus to feel ecstatic. This was new life. This was the beginning of their future.

The look on his face was priceless. Sirus’s mouth dropped open but no sound came out. He was completely stunned. “You’re pregnant?”

She couldn’t help a little laugh. “That is what I said. Are you all right?”

Sirus blinked and then a wide grin spread across his face – so unusual for the hardened warrior. “I’m more than all right. This is wonderful! Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

Joslynn shook her head. “I won’t know for a few weeks yet. It’s far too soon.”

“Well,” Sirus breathed. “Look at that.”

All day she’d been wondering if now was the right time for such a blessing, and if everything was going to work out for them. But after telling Sirus she no longer doubted. Joslynn knew this was meant to be. His look of wonder and amazement filled her heart with such happiness and warmth unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

Sirus would be an amazing father.

“I know things will be a bit hectic for the next few weeks but I will make sure to send you updates,” Joslynn said, tapping her desk to allow the servant waiting outside access.

The girl set the tray of steaming food on the dining table and left quietly. It was simple fare as most everything was packed up and being shipped off. Joslynn sent the vidcast to her window and dimmed the lights so she could see Sirus and then sat down at the table.

The stew and bread was welcome after so many strange dishes at the palace.

“Yes,” Sirus agreed with a frown. “Should I request re-deployment? I don’t want you to be alone during this.”

Selfishly, she wanted to say yes, but Joslynn knew it wasn’t the right choice. “No, I will be all right. As things progress we can revisit the situation. For now I am fine. We will be leaving for Avvis soon, and then I will be behind two shields. I’m more concerned for you.”

Sirus smiled softly at her. “You don’t have to worry over me. I’ve done this for cycles. We have the tech now to protect against the Neprijat’s mind control. I promise this will all be over soon.”

They both knew it may not be over for a while, but Joslynn nodded regardless. Better to pretend than to wallow in the thought of a war that could last cycles. “I need to eat and then get on a starship. So I will call you tonight after I’ve settled in to our new quarters on Avvis. Masha has been kind enough to offer me a suite of rooms in her seat. Then I might take Adelina up on her offer to stay at the palace after my people are settled in.”

Hearing her plans seemed to ease some of Sirus’s concern. Joslynn studied his face, hesitant to end the cast. His ice-blue eyes were full of happiness and love and a fraction of worry. The scar that ravaged his face only made him more ruggedly handsome. Her barbarian lord. There was sadness there as well, knowing how long they would be apart for – how much longer they could be apart.

Joslynn was no warrior. She would never see battle, but she would be there for the aftermath. Handling the refugees, dealing with the wounded and dead, helping families back on their feet, ensuring no one starved…there was much to do that didn’t rely on the ability to fight.

“I look forward to your call, my love.” Then Sirus ended the cast and Joslynn was left alone in her rooms – the ones she would eventually share with Sirus and their growing family.

It was strange to see everything so quiet and empty. Most of the furniture in the castle was covered and protected. Precious books had been removed and the rest locked up behind a basic shield. All of her clothes and personal items that remained after her trip to Draga Terra had been packed and placed on the Pedranus starship.

She sighed and ate the hearty stew.

Her people still hiding in the rural areas would be all right if they stayed. They knew how to stay hidden and protect themselves. The forests, and glens, and plains were where they all originated from all those generations ago. It would be difficult for the Neprijat to take or kill them. Only a worldbreaker could do any irreparable damage.

Joslynn tried not to think of such a thing happening. It was too devastating – too much to lose, but it was better than the death of all her people. She was grateful for the evacuation plan in place. With any luck they were ahead of the Neprijat’s plans.

But they knew so little about them. Only that they wanted a Draga queen, that they wanted to conquer and ravage as many planets and galaxies as they could. But where did they hail from? What tech did they possess? What had caused them to break off from the rest of the human descendants?

Suddenly she felt nauseous. Joslynn set down her spoon and placed a hand on her lower belly. It was all too much. Taking it one step at a time was the only way not to lose her mind.

Joslynn sent a cast to Colin and grabbed the bread as she stood. It was useless waiting around in the castle. She needed everyone out and ready to go at a moment’s notice, not waiting on her. It would be easy enough to nap on her starship.

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