Page 2 of Heir of Draga

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Adelina had to ignore all the eyes. The engagement had been broadcast on the livestream and they’d had an interview that morning to tell the people how excited they were to be wed and how she was keeping Raena’s memory alive by marrying the male her sister had liked the best out of all Adelina’s suitors.

It had been exhausting and despite all her cycles of practice and control, she’d still gotten choked up when she’d told the journalist that she was using Raena’s wedding plans, simply moving up the date before her departure.

The discussion had been long and tiring. The new Queen Mother Adele wanted Giselle to pick Alock and marry him as Raena should have, but Giselle had put her foot down and refused. No one could make her do anything now that she was queen and held so much power.

Asher hadn’t bothered to argue the point as the most dominant of the royal children. He didn’t particularly care and no one seemed to mind that Adelina was the Heir to Draga. But there had to be a wedding to further the royal line. Pushing up Adelina’s marriage to Varan made the most sense as they had the only official engagement.

Giselle was happy to shove the responsibility onto Adelina and declared any children Adelina bore would be recognized as official heirs as well. The crown would still go to Asher if Adelina died, but if Giselle had children the crown would go to them before Adelina.

She sighed. The conversation had been difficult to say the least. Another royal death was far too real at the moment and discussing the line of succession had broken her heart. Adelina’s relationship with Giselle may be fractured and broken, but she was still her sister. It didn’t matter if they ever repaired the bond.

Blood was thick.

Still, none of them could pretend they would all survive the upcoming war. It was unlikely to say the least.

Varan led her up the cream-colored steps. The midday sun was oppressive. The heat made sweat trickle down her spine and the nearly healed mark tingled. Adelina let Varan open the door for her and chewed on her lip as she wondered how everyone would react when they saw the golden tattoos in her wedding dress.

The idea of them all seeing the Master Sealer’s forbidden work made Adelina nervous, but she was ready to complete her transformation. They all knew how fierce her wolf was and now she would remind them she wasn’t helpless at all. She was ready to take control of her future and her position.

Adelina looked up as they entered Varan’s spacious house. The skylights let in so much natural light when she’d thought it would be dark inside. The first floor was completely open, only a divider here and there. The white walls and blue painted-lattice windows calmed Adelina.

She’d never been in his personal home before even if she did know where it was. He’d invited her to parties many times, but Adelina had never been able to attend. They were legendary among the thieves and rogues.

“It’s very nice,” she murmured. “I wish I’d been able to see what a party here looked like over the cycles.”

Varan tucked her into his side and nodded at the servants they passed. “You and me both, my love.” Smoothly he slipped his arm from hers and used just his hand to lead her up the sweeping staircase.

Adelina grew curious about this so-called surprise. “You really didn’t need to get me a wedding present,” she protested. “We have so much already.”

“You think I’d pass up an opportunity to add another treasure to your trove?” Varan’s eyebrow quirked up as he led her down a long hall. He placed his palm on the door at the end and it slid open without a sound.

The room inside was a reflection of Varan’s personality. Adelina stepped in and studied the space. The first impression was rugged comfort, minimalistic style, and then as she looked closer she could see the pops of his personality.

The massive bed in the center of the room was the focal point. It was piled high with fluffy white pillows and a comforter she could drown in. Adelina wanted to throw herself on the bed but then her eye caught on the wall full of books.

“Your library wasn’t enough?” she teased. The shelves downstairs had displayed thousands of books like the treasures they were.

“These are books I don’t want people to touch,” Varan explained. “First editions, signed, banned, or the original before a revision was done to suit delicate sensibilities. I also possess books the courtesans don’t know I have and I intend to keep it that way. Then there are a few from the Hai Galaxy, and prints of digital copies from the Khara Galaxy. Anything you could possibly want that might be considered taboo, rare, or illegal.”

Adelina laughed and went to inspect the various titles. “When we redesign our suite in the palace I’ll make sure to add plans for your books.”

Varan grinned and caught her hand, spinning her around so quick she gasped as she was pressed up against the shelves. “I love when you talk like that.”

“Like what?” she breathed.

“When you talk about our future together with so much joy – even now. It reminds me how fortunate I am that fate pushed us together. I am the luckiest male alive.” Varan buried his face in her neck and breathed deep.

Adelina’s eyelashes fluttered as his winterflower scent permeated her whole world. She had to shake her head to regain her senses. Every day they were together it became more difficult to resist him.

He growled in frustration and whipped around, adjusting the obvious bulge in his pants. Adelina didn’t bother to hide her pleased smile. He wasn’t the only lucky one. Raena holding her marriage rights could have ended very, very badly. Instead she had Varan and was given the gift of his love.

No one was luckier than she.

“Let me get cleaned up and out of these work clothes,” she told him. “Then you can show me the surprise.”

Varan nodded and waved his hand at the washroom. It took only a few moments for Adelina to wash and change into the spidersilk gown she’d brought along. When she came out Varan stood inspecting the books on his shelves.

When he heard her he smiled and turned from the bookshelf with a box in his hand. It reminded her so much of Nash’s carved, black-wood box that there was a pang in her chest.

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