Page 17 of Heir of Draga

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Chapter Five


Royal Study

Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Asher adjusted his tunic and watched the sun set over the ocean from the balcony. Why Adelina had asked him to meet her in the study was beyond him. She’d changed so much in the last six months. He wasn’t sure what exactly had been the trigger, but ever since they found out about their father’s illness she’d been different.

At first he’d blamed Alpha, but he and his sister had remained friendly after their brief relationship ended. Asher had half a mind to say it was because of Prince Nash. He had a feeling the Corinthian prince hadn’t been the catalyst per se, but perhaps the reason for her to expose more of her true self.

Most of his life had been easy. He couldn’t deny that. Asher hadn’t realized how easy until his entire world turned upside down six months ago. What had happened to Khara, to their royal family, and right after learning the King of Draga wouldn’t live to see the end of the cycle…

His entire life he’d taken for granted how simple things were. Asher had had his own personal battles to fight, but he’d had every opportunity, he’d learned everything he’d wanted to learn and more about battle and war and fighting and taking a life, but he never thought he’d have to use it.

Tomorrow he was to leave for the border commanding the Priean forces. He was supposed to find their enemy and eradicate them completely. Asher had never killed someone before. It was strange to think after all his training, but it was true.

“Lina invited you here as well?” William asked as he entered the royal study.

Asher glanced over his shoulder at his younger brother. Nothing he’d said to him over the last few days had been able to sway William from the border. He refused to guard the shield at the core with Giselle as he was the only one actually enlisted with the army out of all the royals. So Ian would be the one to go and stay by Giselle’s side, guide her through the political side of being queen.

As a leader in the war she’d done excellent. Asher had been pleasantly surprised when she’d come up with a decent plan.

“I assume so otherwise you wouldn’t be here,” William said when he didn’t reply, joining Asher on the balcony. “You know you don’t have to be so mysterious with me. We are brothers after all.”

Asher sighed. “I wasn’t intentionally being mysterious. There is a lot on my mind at the moment.”

“At least she didn’t make us wear something awful-looking and uncomfortable,” William said, adjusting his belt around his waist. “What do you think she wants us here for? Perhaps she wants to ask us to be nice to the thief.”

Asher smirked. “I highly doubt it. Lina doesn’t care what we think about him. And based on the vid playing on the livestream she’s known him for cycles. If we aren’t at least conciliatory she might hunt us down like she did Hayden.”

William shuddered as he recalled the Game of the Wolf. Aside from Lina he was the least dominant of his siblings and as the youngest he was left out of much, forgotten or tucked away – but now he was valuable during a time when royals could be slaughtered in battle or through assassination at any moment. Many in court and among the nobles would be looking to advance their position.

Again, he wished William would have stayed with Giselle and Ian, but at least he could keep an eye on his younger brother while they were both on the front lines. The Avvis forces were being stationed next to the Priean Army.

The door opened and Asher turned, expecting to see Lina, but it was Ian. He frowned and strode back into the study. “Where is she, and why is it only the three of us? There isn’t much time before the wedding.”

Ian shrugged and plopped down on one of the overstuffed armchairs as though he were physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted. Asher knew Ian had been working non-stop on a cure for the last six months. He doubted his older brother had even really slept since hearing the news about their father.

It had cost him his relationship with P’draic and Asher wished he could help somehow, but Ian was worse than he was when it came to accepting assistance.

“I don’t know where she is,” Ian said, laying his head back and closing his eyes. “But I assume she’s very aware of what time it is. It is, after all, her wedding.”

“Do you know what this is about?” Asher asked, stepping closer. Ian seemed so unconcerned.

“Even if I did I wouldn’t tell you.”

Asher glared and crossed his arms over his chest. He hated waiting, hated being in the dark. It was why he’d slowly expanded his intelligence network. There was power in knowledge.

Before he could send out a worried cast, Adelina swept into the room in nothing more than a dressing gown. It covered every inch of skin and the white fabric was thick against the coming night. “I apologize for being late,” she said, smiling at the three of them.

When she didn’t sit, neither did Asher. Whatever this was he wanted to be standing, not at a disadvantage.

Lina smiled nervously. “There has been a development over the last few months that I had to seek medical help for.”

Asher’s heart stopped for a moment. No, they’d all been tested for hypomalarya. She had to be fine, right? His frown deepened, but he waited for her to finish. William was already panicking.

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