Page 64 of Princess of Draga

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He couldn’t help but wonder if there would ever be a time after his kingdom was reclaimed and the war was won…no, he wouldn’t even think of it. He would do what he could now and consider the rest later. There were plans to make and pieces to move intoplace.

Chapter Nineteen


Draga RoyalPalace

Planet DragaTerra

“Did Varan slip you that?”Nadyah asked as she stood behind Adelina, styling her long blackhair.

The disc in her palm was small and plain. There was nothing to indicate what its contents were. Adelina nodded as she slipped it into the slot on her personal and secure shreve. The two of them were silent as her program decoded the disk and then lines of text scrolled down the plas-glass. Adelina’s eyes widened as she read the information Varan had managed to accumulate in such a short amount oftime.

There were documents of freighters, vids, travel records, and pics with three different people. Then there were the official documents from Khara Prime matching those records. Varan had managed to track down two Corinthian Princesses and onePrince.

“It seems one of the princesses made it to Seprilles. There is no official word from Seprilles on her presence which means they are withholding the information or they do not know she is there.” Adelina shrugged. It should be easy enough for Nash to find her. The other twothough…

Nadyah finished arranging her hair and then selected her makeup. She pressed the device to Adelina’s face. “What about the other prince and princess?” sheasked.

“There is word a brother and sister made it to the Hai galaxy and are hiding behind the wings of theDrakesthai.”

“The dragons?” Nadyahexclaimed.

Adelina nodded as she inspected the smoky black of her eyeshadow. Slowly Nadyah had started to transform her look and she had to say the courtesan knew exactly what she was doing. “I thought the dragons were ruled by the Neprijat.” Adelina’s hands shook as she set her shreve down on her vanity while she considered this newinformation.

The courtesan took out one of Adelina’s favorite tiaras and gently set the gold and diamond masterpiece atop her head. “The Neprijat conquered them a few cycles or so ago from what I learned,” she explained. “They maintain a minimal presence, but it seems the dragons have more secrets than we originallythought.”

Adelina’s hands tightened around the arms of her chair as she stared into her own face, a face she hardly recognized anymore. She used to smile constantly, and had practiced a sweet look that had somehow become her signature. But the princess staring back at her was far more serious, solemn, and evenafraid.

“What is it?” Nadyah demanded as the wood of the chair creaked inwarning.

“Most of the princes and princesses are dead or still missing. Varan only found three in total. The shield will close before word could be sent to the Khara royals in the Hai galaxy, before Prince Nash would ever gain the permission to go there. Once the shield is officially sealed, he would need special permission to leave the Draga galaxy.” Adelina stood and stepped into the dress her courtesan and lady-in-waiting held out for her. “He may never be able to comeback.”

For a male she didn’t even love her heart surely felt broken. It was difficult for Adelina to understand let alone explain. There was definitely something between them, something more than the insane attraction she felt physically. Every time he was near she felt like she could breathe better. Pressure on her chest eased and it was not as difficult for Adelina to step out of the mask she had created. With sanctuary granted she could still see him on occasion as long as she made sure it wasn’t frequent and she wasn’talone.

If he left though, Nash might never come back. Suddenly Adelina felt dizzy. She barely made it to the large cushion in the center of her closet. It was difficult to breathe and her vision wouldn’t focus. How could she let him go without knowing if he might be her mate? What if he was? What if Nash was her mate and she never saw himagain?

“Adelina, are you all right? Here, drink some water.” Nadyah fussed and touched her clammy skin, pushing a cool glass onher.

Numbly she accepted and took a sip. “I have a choice to make.” When she refocused, her courtesan knelt before her and the worry on Nadyah’s face made Adelina’s heart ache. With a deep breath, she pushed back her feelings. It didn’t matter if Nash was her mate or not. That choice was no longer hers, and he was not hers to claim. Nash belonged to his peoplefirst.

“There really is no other way is there? I could never deny Prince Nash the opportunity to find his people and reclaim his kingdom.” Adelina could never sacrifice her honor in such a selfishway.

There was a strange look of pride on Nadyah’s face. Silently she helped Adelina stand and turned her so she could finish buttoning the dress. “Nash is the one with the choice,” she said softly. “There is more than one path to a goal. This may not necessarily be theend.”

Adelina turned back to the mirror and watched Nadyahwork.

“I talked to Ian,” Adelina blurted out. She had been so flustered after talking to Varan she had gone to hide in the library. Nash finding her there hadn’t been a part of the plan and then he’d just left in the middle of a conversation. The whole situation was an uttermess.

Nadyah paused as she opened one of the drawers to her bureau. She flicked those dark sapphire eyes to Adelina and then carefully picked up the diamond necklace nestled in the velvet display. “What did he say?” Her courtesan sounded uninterested, but Adelina knew she was just as curious as Adelina about theresults.

“I simply asked for him to run a genetic makeup for me privately on a secured device. He knows not to ask too many questions. We all live our lives for the crown.” Adelina picked up the diamond drop earrings and put them on while Nadyah settled the heavy necklace around her throat. “Nothing can be cross-referenced until it’sdone.”

“Do you need me to get some DNA from Nash?” Nadyah asked. Her whole demeanor was relaxed and nonchalant but such an act was no smallthing.

Would Nadyah ask him for his DNA or steal it? Requesting such a thing would raise too many questions. Adelina sighed as she selected a very specific gold cuff bracelet. She slid the disk from her shreve and tucked it into the hidden slot of her bracelet. “Yes, even if he is not here I would like to know for sure.” It would be a break in trust, but it was vital for Adelina to know one way or another. She held out her arm for the courtesan to secure the cuff around her delicatewrist.

They were both dressed for the royal announcement and Adelina felt those traitorous nerves fluttering in her belly. She hated this; the pressure to be perfect and to make the right choice. It always heightened her anxiety until she questioned every single thing. “Do you think the black is toomuch?”

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