Page 62 of Princess of Draga

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If a marriage between them could be based on real love and not simply lust or political advantage she would do everything she could to allow that to occur. Joslynn took a deep breath. The desire was still there, under the surface of her skin but she bit her cheek and ignoredit.

“If we are staying for the coronation at least, then I must gather the items I came for and return to Princess Adelina.” What was it she came all this way to retrieve? “Then we have an announcement to get ready for,” Joslynn said with falsecheer.

Ah, the opals and the gold. She tossed her clothes back on the bed for the maid to put away and pressed her hand to the second trunk. The device cleared her DNA and then hissed as the seal released. “Sirus, you will be my escort for the announcement and you will dress for the eventproperly?”

He grunted in annoyance. “I am no barbarian despite the rumors. My dress uniform ought to please you.” There was enough heat in Sirus’s voice to remind her of what they hadn’tfinished.

Joslynn glanced over her shoulder with a smile as she bent to retrieve the items. “I should hope so,” she replied. “But there is much about you that pleases me, so I am notworried.”

Sirus actually blushed and Joslynn felt pleasure at being able to ruffle such a stoic male. She would enjoy her time with him, and in the interim Joslynn would make sure Colin had everything they needed to keep their people safe. Tomorrow would be a day for battle plans. Tonight was acelebration.

Chapter Eighteen



Draga RoyalLibrary

Planet DragaTerra

She had been avoiding him.Nash couldn’t get a moment alone with Adelina since that atrocity. Alpha or one of her siblings was constantly at her side. Useless chatter was all she managed when he was around. Nash had even stalked her using his stealth tech. He had followed her to her rooms at night, praying she would sense him and they could speak. But she locked her door behind her and he didn’t dare break her trust by passing through those walls. For all he knew she was furious with him for what she had tosacrifice.

How could her own sister demand such a thing in good conscience? Nash shook his head in disgust. Tempering his fury after that disturbing display had taken every shred of control he possessed. The way Raena had treated Adelina sent him into a blind rage he feared would cause him to rip the heir to pieces. Only William’s heavy hand and furious whispers to hold back kept him in check. William made sure to inform him it would only get worse for Adelina if he did anything and that was all that had kept Nashseated.

The other courtiers in the halls jumped out of his way as he stalked through the palace. Adelina had gone to the library and he intended to speak with her regardless of who stood by her side. Nash had to get her to take it back, to revoke his sanctuary so she could regain her freedom. He wasn’t a fool. After everything that had transpired she could never turn to him for love, no matter how much he wishedit.

It was for the best. He had nothing to offer her except a ravaged kingdom occupied bymonsters.

The doors flew open as he pushed and Nash had to remind himself the pad worked well enough. He forgot how much stronger he was on Draga Terra than Khara Prime. The difference in gravity was minute, but it was enough to affect his strength after cycles oftraining.

As the only Corinthian in the palace, his slight differences from the Kalan makeup were glaringly obvious. It wasn’t just the small difference in their suns, but the difference in their genetic makeup that was done centuries before. His ancestors had chosen a different formula based on the prides of the large cats that graced their ancestral Earth. This alteration to their genes was meant to prevent chaos and destruction in the human race after they’d destroyed their planet all those centuries ago and nearly wiped out humanity altogether. Because of this his race was taller, broader, and tended to be stronger than the people of the Dragagalaxy.

Nash wasn’t sure why the Kalans were so against violence when it was in their human nature as well as the wolves. His people had simply found a peaceful outlet for it. He had spent five cycles in the fighting arena himself and there were days he missedit.

Then he saw her, the little female with her enticing scent and fragile form. Nash made for Adelina and was instantly intercepted by herguard.

“I don’t believe you’re welcome,” Alpha snapped. If Nash didn’t know better he’d think the male wasjealous.

“Step aside before I have to force you,” Nash warned. No one would keep him from convincing her something had to be done. He was running out of time and it had to be done now, before theannouncement.

Alpha crossed his arms over his chest indefiance.

With a sigh Nash stepped around him, reminding himself he had to be peaceful if he wanted to accomplish anything. “Adelina, I need to speak withyou.”

“It is Princess Adelina to you,traitor.”

Nash whipped around so fast Alpha took a step back in surprise. Before he could blink, Nash had his fingers wrapped around the smaller male’s throat. “I understand you are fulfilling your duty, but call me a traitor again and I’ll kill you.” He understood the male’s anger, even respected it.Hewas the cause of her pain and he hated himself too, but he would not stand for thedisrespect.

“Nash, please.” A soft voice and an even softer hand touchedhim.

At her cool touch he let out a breath and then released the guard. “I apologize,” he said, attempting to regain hiscontrol.

Ever since Adelina gave up her freedom he had been on edge. Every instinct he had screamed for him to protect her, todosomething and it had been slowly driving him mad as he was blocked at every turn. “I need to speak to you, Princess. You have to talk to your father and have him cancel the announcement. Have him retract the agreement. I can manage among the stars. Your freedom isn’t worth what you received inreturn.”

He practicallybegged.

Nash felt worthless. She had given up so much, sacrificed all she had for him when no one else would. He would kneel before her and swear his fealty and loyalty if he thought it would make adifference.

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