Page 60 of Princess of Draga

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Sirus checked over his shoulder before entering the main lift. The footman knew where to take them and the silence was suffocating. Joslynn had too many questions, but Sirus would never answer while someone else listened in. His secrecy had her panicking. It must be terrible, whatever itwas.

The lift doors opened and he practically dragged her down the hall. Joslynn could only imagine what it looked like to an outsider – the barbarian lord hauling her off to ravage her in the bedroom. “Can you please stop manhandling me?” she finally snapped, yanking her hand out of his crushinggrip.

Sirus rolled his shoulders back as he muttered an apology. He counted the doors and then opened hers. “Please,” he said. His look wasapologetic.

He didn’t touch her but she could feel the urgency rolling off him in waves. Joslynn stomped into her sitting room and then whirled around. She crossed her arms and glared at him. “Explain to me what is so world-shattering you had to drag me here like adoll?”

“One moment,” he said. His gravelly voice soothed her despite the fear lodged in her heart. He took out his simulcast and tapped a program. There was a quick chirp and Sirus looked satisfied. “Now we can talk freely.” Despite his reassurance he slipped into the Outer Rim lingo that took the beautiful language of Draga and mangled it into something efficient andharsh.

“What is the meaning of all this?” she asked in irritation. The cloak and dagger routine was a bit much for her and she felt it completely unnecessary. “I want to know what is goingon.”

Sirus shook his head. “Lord Lucas arrived last night during the official greeting to warn the king. Marchese Peter and the other son of the Treon Marquis, Grady – the two of them are traitors. They made an attempt on Lucas’s life. Assassins followed his every move to Draga Terra and he’s been in three skirmishes since he left Treon.” His large hand reached for her waist and Sirus directed her to a chair. “He barely made it to his ship alive. Lucas was blessed by the gods to have such a skilled physician onboard.”

Joslynn was silent as she processed his words. “What treachery do you speakof?”

Sirus heaved a huge sigh. “They are working with the NeprijatKing.”

The words sunk into her heart, heavy and bitter. There were times Joslynn was happy she didn’t have family and this was one of those times. She may be lonely on occasion but she would never feel the heartache of having her own flesh and blood betray her. The man who was supposed to raise and nurture her…no, she couldn’t imagine. Colin would never do such athing.

“I need to send a cast to my steward. No, I should head home and prepare my people. Pedranus will be a desired acquisition. It always is,” shespat.

She hated her birthright sometimes. Someone always wanted her damn planet for the riches in the soil and her people always suffered. Perhaps she should look into putting more time and gold into her army. “It’s not fair to my people or yours. I cannot depend on my allies for the rest of time to protect my people and our assets. You have your own people and planet to worry about.” Joslynn rushed to her feet. She needed to go home and prepare for the war she knew would soon arrive at their doorstep. Her hands fluttered nervously as she crossed the sitting room to herbedroom.

The trunks sat neatly and she threw one open. Joslynn would have to leave the gems for Adelina, but she simply couldn’t stay on Draga Terra in the royal palace while the Neprijat already had a foothold so close to herhome.

“Joslynn, please wait!” Sirus reached for her but she was toofast.

She was throwing clothing into her empty trunk and simultaneously pulling out her simulcast. “How soon can we leave?” she inquired as she tapped out a message toColin.

Sirus snatched the simulcast out of her hand before she could send a message. “Please wait, we should talk about this, strategize and decide on the proper course of action. An emotional decision is not the bestroute.”

Joslynn grabbed for her device, furious. “I amnotmaking an emotional decision. A female chooses with both heart and mind. Every time a stupid male decides a woman is wrong he tells her she’s being emotional.” The words were poison in her mouth. “I refuse to let another man tell me I’m being emotional! I am Countess! I rule Pedranus and no one else.” She pointed a quivering finger at him and glared daggers. “I will marry a woman just to spite every male born in this cursed galaxy. My child will be female andno manwill ever get his greedy hands on myhome.”

“Lady, I apologize my words upset you, but I simply meant you should remain on Draga Terra for your ownsafety.”

Men were so exasperating. “And who would protect mypeople?”


His words shocked her so deeply her fury dissipatedinstantly.

She just stood there, clothing dropping to the floor from her lifeless fingers. “Excuseme?”

“I will regroup with my forces and protect your home.” Sirus was so matter-of-fact.

Joslynn inhaled sharply as relief hit her hard. Sirus was far more capable in war than she. “You would really dothat?”

He frowned. “It is my duty,Lady.”

Of course, it was because of their long-standingalliance.

Joslynn paced the length of her room. She crossed her arms and tapped her fingers as she thought. “I still think I need to go back to Pedranus. Colin is not prepared to deal with an invasion on his own. He simply runs the businesses and makes sure production does notwaver.”

She also didn’t like the idea of staying back alone in the palace. Despite being vulnerable on her own, Joslynn was afraid for Sirus. He might not come back from protecting her planet. The thought struck her like a physical blow and she had to sit down to catch herbreath.

“Countess?” Sirus was at her side before she could protest his use of hertitle.

“I don’t want you to go,” she whispered. Joslynn felt ashamed. She was a coward. The bright sun was a mockery of happiness when her world was so dark. This place was like a mirage. Nothing in the palace was real. It was all too removed. The way the royals treated issues further out from the core of the Draga galaxy was like a game to them when the lives of the people were very real toher.

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