Page 46 of Carnival Stalker

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I freeze, the lines of code on the screen blurring. “What’s wrong?” I ask hesitantly.

He doesn’t look at me, his jaw clenched tight. “They’re onto us.”

A chill runs down my spine. “Who? What do you mean?”

Finally, Phoenix meets my gaze, his eyes blazing with fury and something else... fear? “The authorities. They’ve found evidence that your death was faked.”

The room spins as the weight of his words sinks in. My death... faked. Of course, I knew that already, but hearing it out loud again is like a punch to the gut.

Phoenix is still talking, the words tumbling out in a rush. “I don’t know how they figured it out, but they’ve issued a search warrant for you. A missing persons case.”

Missing persons. My friends, my family... do they think I’ve been kidnapped? Guilt and grief twist my insides into knots.

“Tilly.” Phoenix’s voice cuts through the haze, and I realize he’s moved closer, his hands gripping my shoulders firmly. “Hey, look at me. We’ll get through this, okay? I’m not letting anyone take you from me.”

Part of me wants to recoil from his touch, from the obsessive glint in his eyes. This is all his doing, after all. He’s the one who took me, who faked my death and cut me off from everyone I love.

As much as I hate to admit it, I’m terrified of what will happen if they find me. Suppose they try to take me away from Phoenix.

My head is spinning, a war raging inside me as conflicting emotions batter me from all sides. Relief that my loved ones haven’t given up on me. Fear of what Phoenix might do to keep me with him. Shame at the way my body still craves his touch, his dominance.

I should be desperate to escape, to get as far away from this madman. But as Phoenix pulls me into his arms, I find myself clinging to him, burying my face in the crook of his neck as he strokes my hair.

“It’s going to be okay, baby,” he murmurs. “No one is going to take you away from me.”

A shudder runs through me at the dark promise in his voice. I should be fighting, screaming, trying to get away.

Instead, I wind my arms around his neck and hold him close, feeling both comforted and terrified by his embrace.

Because as much as I want my freedom, a part of me doesn’t want to let him go.

I gaze at Phoenix, my heart pounding as he leans close. His lips capture mine in a kiss that sends electricity through my veins.

When we finally break apart, breathing heavily, Phoenix rests his forehead against mine. His piercing blue eyes search my face, a flicker of vulnerability in their depths.

“Tilly,” he murmurs, his voice rough with emotion. “Are you worried about them ripping us apart?”

The question catches me off guard, and I feel a sudden tightness in my chest. The thought of being separated from Phoenix and losing this intense connection we’ve forged fills me with dread.

I swallow hard, my fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. “I... I don’t like the idea of getting split up,” I admit softly, surprised by my raw honesty.

Phoenix’s arms tighten around me, pulling me flush against his hard body. “I won’t let that happen,” he promises fiercely, his gaze burning into mine. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you with me.”

“Phoenix,” I breathe, my voice trembling with the force of my emotions. “I... I don’t want to lose you.”

The words feel like a betrayal, a knife twisting in my gut as I think of my family and friends. But wrapped in Phoenix’s arms, I can’t deny their truth.

He captures my lips in another bruising kiss, pouring all of his passion and obsession into the touch. I cling tohim, losing myself in the heat of his mouth, the press of his body against mine.

When he pulls back, his eyes are dark with promise. “You won’t lose me, baby. I’ll make sure of it.”

And even though a part of me knows I should be fighting against this, against him, I find myself believing his words. Because right now, the thought of being torn away from Phoenix is terrifying



Isit back in my chair, taking a deep breath as the realization hits me. It wasn’t the authorities at all. Someone’s been playing a twisted game, leaving breadcrumbs for me to follow.

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