Page 4 of Carnival Stalker

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My eyes trace the lines of code on the screen, each line a breadcrumb leading me deeper into her world. She’s taking classes at the local college, honing her skills, dreaming of the day when her creations will captivate audiences worldwide. A small, satisfied smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. An aspiring game developer—how deliciously fitting for someone who has already trapped me in her own game of cat and mouse.

The obsession is taking root, tendrils of desire wrapping around my heart, squeezing ever tighter. She’s perfect—a brilliant mind in breathtaking form, a rare gem in a world of dull pebbles. My fingers move across the keyboard, uncovering every facet of her life, committing each detail to memory.

Her online presence is surprisingly sparse for someone so captivating. I guess she isn’t one for vanity or the addictive nature of social media. But then, just as I’m about to close the laptop, I stumble upon a hidden gem—a private photo album, password-protected. My fingers fly across the keys, easily deciphering the lock, and the images come into view.

She is bathed in sunlight, her skin gleaming with a light sheen of sweat. She’s on a beach, the ocean a vibrant turquoise behind her. But my eyes are drawn to her skimpy bikini, each triangle of fabric barely containing her curves. My breath catches in my throat as my gaze runs hungrily over her body.

I shift in my seat, suddenly aware of the growing bulge in my pants. With a swift movement, I unbutton my jeans and reach inside, pulling out my hard dick. The cool air of the trailer sends shivers down my spine, but the sight of Tilly keeps me burning with desire.

I scroll through the photos, taking in every inch of her—the gentle swell of her breasts, the curve of her hips, the way the bikini bottoms hug her ass. My hand moves faster,fueled by the vision of her writhing beneath me, her soft moans filling the air.

“You’re mine,” I whisper, my eyes fixed on a particularly alluring photo. In it, she’s reclining on a beach towel, one leg bent at the knee. I can imagine parting those legs and sliding deep inside her. My thumb brushes over the head of my cock, slick with arousal, as I imagine it’s her touching me.

The memory of that sleazy bastard putting his hands on her sends a surge of rage through my veins. I recall the smug look on his face and the way he invaded her space, thinking he could take what he wanted. My Tilly.

I should have cut off his hands. Severed them at the wrists and watched the blood spill out, staining the ground red. That would have taught him a lesson. Instead, I followed him later and slit his throat before burying him in the woods, where he’ll never be found.

His dry blood is still on my hands as I stroke my dick. No one touches what’s mine. I strengthen my hold on my cock; the image of his lifeless body only makes me harder. I should have made him suffer, slowly, painfully, for daring to touch her, but I didn’t have the time.

Tilly’s face haunts me, the fear in her eyes as she recoiled from his touch. I could see the vulnerability in her expression, the panic simmering beneath the surface. She needed me. I’d rip apart anyone who threatens her with my bare hands.

The idea of that guy’s hands on her perfect body, his mouth tasting her sweet skin... It makes my blood boil. Iwanted to tear him apart limb from limb and then fuck Tilly over his dead body just to mark my territory, to prove to the whole fucking world that she’s mine and mine alone.

But I know that without control of these violent urges, I’d have been locked up long ago.

I quicken my pace, my eyes glued to the photo of her on the screen. My cock throbs with need, demanding release. I want to brand her as my own, leave my mark so that whenever she looks at herself, she’s reminded of me.

I think of her sweet moans, the way she’d squirm and writhe beneath me, begging for more. I’d give her more, repeatedly, until she was screaming my name. Until there was no doubt in her mind or anyone else’s that she was mine.

I’m lost in a haze of obsession and lust as I stroke myself. My eyes fix on her perfect tits, and I groan as I shoot my hot cum all over the screen. It lands on her chest and face, a sticky white mess, and I smile.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter, gasping for air. I stare at the image, my seed coating it. “That’s just the beginning, baby. Just wait till I cover your entire body with my cum. Mark you as mine.”

I picture her bound to my bed, her wrists and ankles restrained, waiting for me with anticipation in her eyes. I’d savor every inch of her soft skin, mapping her body with my mouth and hands, learning every dip and curve. I’d tease her, driving her wild with desire, until she’s begging me to fill her, to brand her as my own.

And then I’d give her what she craves. I’d thrust into her, hard and deep, claiming her as my territory. I’d makeher feel it, too, the depth of my obsession, the intensity of my need. I’d fuck her until she couldn’t walk and until her body was mine alone to possess. Until every part of her screamed that she was mine.

I reach for a cloth, slowly cleaning the screen, while I commit the image to memory, burning it into my brain.

Leaning back, a sense of contentment washes over me, even as my obsession grows. My eyes drift closed, Tilly’s face haunting my mind’s eye. Her laugh echoes in the darkness, sending shivers down my spine. She’s like a drug, her very essence addicting me further with each breath.

I know I should get up and move on to the next task, but I can’t bring myself to leave the comfort of my trailer. The outside world can wait. For now, I want to indulge in this all-consuming desire that has taken root in my soul. The trailer’s lonely sanctuary protects me from the chaos of reality, and I crave the safety of its confines.

The faint hum of the computer fan fills the silence, a soothing accompaniment to my racing thoughts. My hand brushes over the screen as if reaching out to touch her.

I long to trace the contours of her face, feel the softness of her skin, and breathe in the scent of her hair. The need to be close to her is overwhelming. I’m bound to her in a way I can’t explain.

“Soon,” I whisper. “Soon, I’ll find a way to be near you.”



The campus bustles with activity as I walk toward my coding class, clutching my laptop close. Despite the excitement of beginning a new semester, I can’t shake this unsettling sensation that has lingered since the night at the carnival.

It’s silly, I know. How could anyone be watching me? The hairs on my neck prickle every time I step outside as if invisible eyes track me.

As I enter the classroom, my gaze sweeps across the sea of unfamiliar faces until it lands on one that stops me dead in my tracks. Sitting in the back row is the stranger from the carnival, who seemed to materialize out of nowhere to protect Chloe and me.

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