Page 25 of Carnival Stalker

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My breath catches, my mind running wild with horrible possibilities. “What—what did you do to them?”

He shakes his head, a pained expression crossing his face. “Just rest, Tilly. You need to recover your strength. We’ve got a lot to discuss about our life.”

“No, Phoenix, tell me!” I try to tug myself free, but the rope is firm. “Did you—did you hurt them? Oh God, please tell me you didn’t hurt my family!”

He flinches. “I’d never physically harm them, Tilly. I just faked your death. It was necessary to protect us.”

Faked my death?

My mind spins, trying to grasp what he’s saying. “You—you faked my death? Like, they think they’ve buried me?”

“It was the only way. They’ll grieve, but they certainly won’t come looking. To them, you’re dead and gone. Now, rest. We’ll create new memories, just you and I together.”

This psycho faked my death and severed all ties to my loved ones. In their eyes, I’m gone forever, just a tragic memory to mourn.

“No, no, you can’t do this!” I cry out, thrashing againstmy restraints. “My family, my friends—they’ll be devastated! You’ve got to let me go back. You have to tell them the truth!”

Phoenix shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but it’s already done. For our future together to work, your past had to be left behind.”

“You’re insane!” I scream, tears of rage streaming down my cheeks. “You’ve ruined everything, taken me from everyone I love! How could you do this?”

His face hardens. “It was necessary.”

I open my mouth to protest further, but a strange drowsiness overtakes me. My limbs feel heavy, my thoughts growing fuzzy.

“Wh-what did you do?” I slur, realizing he must have drugged me again.

Phoenix strokes my cheek gently. “Shh, it’s alright. You’re just going to rest for a little while. When you wake up, you’ll see things more clearly.”

I try to fight the darkness encroaching on my vision, but it’s useless. The drugs are too strong, pulling me down into a deep, dreamless oblivion. The last thing I see is Phoenix’s face, his expression a mixture of concern and possessiveness, before the world fades to black.

I drift into a void, my senses dulled, my thoughts scattered. Time holds no meaning in this endless abyss. Am I awake? Asleep? Alive or dead? The line between reality and nightmare blurs until I can no longer tell the difference.



Tilly is now irreversibly mine. No one will come looking for her. I ensured that.

My plan was intricate, but it worked. I got the records switched at the morgue, a simple hack into their system. Now, they believe Tilly Jane Lawson’s body was charred beyond recognition in a car accident. Her DNA “matched” that of the victim. What people will believe when presented with “scientific evidence.”

I admit, a part of me feels guilty for causing her loved ones pain. But it was necessary. They’ll move on; people always do. And Tilly will be forever mine.

I watch Tilly as she sleeps, her chest rising and falling gently. We’ve been moving for days, and the trailer has finally stopped. We’ve reached our next destination, a new state, a fresh start.

I knew this trip would be ideal. It’s far enough that no one will recognize her, and the distance provides the perfect opportunity for Tilly to adapt to our new reality.She needs time to accept what I’ve done and why. Time to understand that there’s no going back to her old life.

Tyson thinks I’ve been working in the trailer during the trip, taking advantage of the rare opportunity to have my tech haven to myself as we traveled. Usually, we’d take the carnival bus when moving on, but this time, I had a different plan.

I glance at Tilly, admiring her beauty and innocence. Soon, she’ll wake, and I’ll ween her off the drugs that have been keeping her sedated and calm for the trip.

For now, I’ll let her sleep, enjoying the peace of this moment before the storm. I know the coming days will be a whirlwind of emotions as she grapples with her new reality. But in the end, she’ll see that everything I did was for us.

Stepping out of the trailer, I admire the new scenery. We’re surrounded by lush greenery, with towering trees blocking the harsh sunlight and providing a sense of seclusion.

I double-check the window and door locks, ensuring everything is secure. Tilly is safe inside, and I’ll keep her that way.

My phone buzzes, signaling a message from Tyson. It’s time to meet and discuss our distribution plan for this state. He also wants an update on the two men we took care of.

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