Page 7 of The Final Game

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Aiden nods, his jaw clenching. “It really fucking kills me to think my wife is in our home worrying about some girl trying to get her hands on me.” His face drops into afrown. “She knows she’s the love of my fucking life, and is so much more confident in knowing she’s the only girl I’ll ever want, but I know it’s still hard for her, especially when I’m on the road.”

We’re all quiet for a bit, realizing how hard it must be for him to be away from Nova and Leila so much, since they haven’t been to the away games while Leila’s been pregnant.”

“Jesus,” James blurts out. “The mood has gone all the way down. You guys want to hear a fun story?”

Chris lets out a laugh. “All of your stories are about what you do in the bedroom,” he says. “I think it’s best to leave that between you and your husband.”

James sighs, turning his attention to Carter. “They’re so boring, aren’t they, baby?” he jokes.

Carter shakes his head, attempting to scowl at him, but his lips turn into a smile. “You tell them way too much about our sex life,” he replies with a laugh.

He’s always been a reserved guy ever since I met him, but I don’t think he minds the attention when it comes to James.

“I’m the exact same,” Aiden says with a grin. “Leila hates it, and you guys know how much I love to annoy her.”

I scoff. “You two are children,” I say, gesturing to Aiden and Carter with my glass.

“Wehavechildren,” Aiden corrects with a smirk.

“We?” James interrupts with wide eyes.

Those two made it clear they weren’t going to have any children of their own, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love hounding us about having children so they can be their ‘cool uncles’.

Aiden laughs. “Only me,” he corrects, shaking his head when he sees James visibly relax. “And it’s fucking amazing,” he says with a huge smile. I thought the only person who could make him smile like that was Leila, but then came Nova and she stole Aiden’s heart. And I have no doubt that this next one will be the same.

“It’s time you caught up with me,” he says, tilting his head at me. “And you guys, too.” He lifts his chin at Lucas and Chris.

Lucas presses his lips together. “Just because you popped a baby in your wife less than two months after you guys were married, doesn’t mean we’re all the same.”

Aiden makes a noise of agreements, sliding his gaze to me. “And when are you two going to have kids?” he asks. “Chris is marrying Gabi in two days, which means they’ll be next.”

“We will?” Chris says with a nervous laugh. I know full well that the guy wants a baby with Gabi, though. He’s made it clear time and time again that he’d give her anything she wants no matter what.

Aiden smirks at him before turning his attention back to me. “Isn’t it about time?” he asks.

I take a sip of my drink. I can’t say I’ve dreamed of having kids, at least not before Rosie showed up in my life. Growing up with the father I had kind of soured me on the whole subject, but my biological dad was the best man I knew, and thinking about how he raised me, and how much I loved him… I think I’d make a pretty great dad.

I know for a fact Rosie would be an amazing mom. That girl is full of life, and smiles, and love, and always sees thebest in the world. And I can’t pretend that the idea of seeing a little kid look like both Rosie and me doesn’t make me smile.

Yeah, I think I might want kids after all.

“It’s coming,” I tell him, swallowing down my sip. “I have some other things I need to worry about first.”

His brows bunch together. “Like what?” he asks. “I thought you guys were settling down in New York now.”

“We are,” I affirm with a nod. “That’s not what I was talking about.”

“Then what else is there?”

A grin pulls at my lips as I reach for the small, black box in my pocket and pull it out, opening it up to the guys.

Aiden freezes mid sip, and swallows harshly, placing the cup on the table. “Yes!” he says, fanning his face in a dramatic gesture that makes me roll my eyes. “Yes. Yes. A million times yes.”

“You’re a fucking idiot,” I say with a scoff. “Shut the fuck up before you make a scene and this shit gets on the news before I can actually propose.”

He lets out a laugh, his eyes zoning in on the ring. “Holy shit. You’re really going to propose?” he asks.

“That’s the plan,” I tell the guys, my neck cracking at the thought. I’m so fucking excited for this next step, but I can’t help the rush of nerves that flood through my body. What if she somehow says no? What if she doesn’t want to marry me?

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