Page 50 of The Final Game

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He finally lets out a sigh, and closes his eyes briefly. “Of course I do, Gabi. Are you kidding? Seeing a little baby with both of our features would be fucking amazing,” he says which makes me suck in a breath. “It wouldn’t be easy, of course, but I work from home so I could take care of them while you were working. We’d go to the park on the weekends, and have ice cream, and I’d teach them to play video games.” He takes a breath. “I’d show them what real love from a father was, because it’s something I never had.” His eyes shift to mine, holding eye contact. “And I would love to see you as a mom,” he continues. “You’d be so fucking great. They’d have so much fun and love, and of course you’d burn their birthday cake.”

“Hey,” I interrupt with narrowed eyes. “You said I’m getting better at baking.”

“I lied,” he says with a teasing smirk as he caresses my cheek with his thumb. “I’d love to see you love our baby,” he continues. “We’d have sleepovers, and watch Disney movies, and… yes, Gabi. I would love to have kids with you,” heaffirms. “But I’m not going to let my wants influenceyourdecision. This isn’t a dealbreaker for me. I just want you. I have always just wantedyou. And I’m good with whatever comes with it, I’m locked for life, baby. I’m here to stay.”

His answer catches me off guard, and I swallow, feeling my throat tighten. “You’ve really thought about it.”

He lets out a low scoff, shaking his head. “I don’t do much except think about you,” he says, leaning down to press his lips softly against my forehead.

When I pull back, I glance up at him, getting lost in his eyes. Until I see Grayson… dancing. My eyebrows shoot up, and Chris turns around, following my gaze.

“Is Grayson dancing?” I ask, hearing Chris laugh as we both watch Grayson spin Rosie around, dancing with her with the biggest smile on his face.

Chris chuckles, watching them both. “I don’t know why you’re surprised. He’d do anything for his girl,” he says, before glancing down at me. “I know the feeling.”

Our eyes meet, and I lift my chin as he leans down ready to kiss me and—

“Aunt Gabi!”

I pull back, glancing at the little kid running toward me with her arms out wide. God, children are such cockblocks. She’s lucky she’s adorable.

“Hi cutie,” I say with a laugh as she wraps her arms around my dress, secretly praying her hands aren’t dirty because… this was an expensive dress.

“Wow,” she says, her head tilted all the way back to look up at me, her big green eyes wide as hell. “You look like a princess.”

“Thank you,” I say, booping her on the nose. “I know.”

Leila lets out a scoff, crossing her arms. “I’m her mother and she ran to you first,” she says, shaking her head. “Un-freaking-believable.”

I let out a laugh, smoothing my hands over Nova’s silky smooth, mousy brown hair. “She likes me better,” I tease. “You can’t fault the girl. She has good taste.”

“I feed her, and bathe her, and put her to sleep, butsuuuure, you’re her favorite,” Leila says with an eye roll.

Aiden chuckles behind her, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Don’t be jealous, baby. She adores you.”

“Not enough it seems like,” Leila replies with a huff.

“Nova,” Aiden calls, making her little head turn around to face them. “You love your mommy, don’t you?”

Nova nods her head. “Yes. Mommy’s sooo beautiful,” she says, which makes my heart ache. God, kids are really fucking cute after all.

“See, gorgeous,” Aiden says, wrapping his arms around her waist, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek. “Our daughter loves you. She’s just a little obsessed with Gabi right now,” he says with a chuckle.

I feel a little hand tugging at my dress, and I look down seeing her big green eyes on me. “Is Uncle Chris your prince?” she asks, making Chris chuckle beside me.

“Yes,” I say with a nod, sitting down and pulling her onto my lap. “He saved me from a big ugly dragon stepmother, and there was lava and an evil apple and stuff.”

Chris arches his brow. “I think you’re getting the stories mixed up,” he says, amused.

I wave a hand. “It’s all the same thing.”

“Am I going to have a prince like Uncle Chris when I grow up?” Nova asks.

I want to tell her that my prince is one in a million. That there’s no one like him in the entire world, but seeing as she’s only four, and I don’t want to blow her tiny head off I go another route. “If you want to,” I tell her with a shrug. “Or you can have a princess instead.”

“Really?” she asks, furrowing her little brows.

I let out a laugh. Might be too much for a kid to handle just yet. “Have you met your little sister yet?” I ask her.

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