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This kiss was different—less hurried, more controlled, but no less intense. It was a promise, a declaration of everything that had been left unsaid between us. And when I finally managed to get the door open, it was as if we both knew there was no turning back.

We stepped into the foyer, the door closing with a soft click behind us. I quivered as Ethan's warm breath caressed my neck, sending a rush of anticipation through me. Pressed against the wall, his commanding presence enveloped me, igniting a fiery desire within.

Ethan's fingertips ignited a trail of warmth across my sensitive inner thighs, each deliberate caress sending ripples of electricity through me. As he brushed his teeth against the neckline of my sundress, the gentle movement of the soft fabric enveloped me like a lover's whisper. With tantalizing slowness, he pulled it down, revealing the curve of my breasts to the warm air and eliciting a shiver of anticipation that coursed through my body.

With a bold and effortless gesture, I unbuttoned his jeans and smoothly lowered the zipper. His kisses sparked an inferno of desire, and with each teasing tug on my lower lip, Isuccumbed to the blazing intensity between us. In a daring move, Ethan expertly removed my panties, heightening the charged atmosphere surrounding us.

Ethan hoisted me up, my legs instinctively encircling him as we melded seamlessly. Our movements synchronized like a well-rehearsed dance, every thrust a crescendo of longing and connection. The swell of desire surged through us, echoed in the sway of my breasts that matched the fervor of our union. In the midst of our fiery passion, Ethan's urgent inquiry cut through the haze of ecstasy, his voice a mix of reverence and urgency as he sought my consent amid the whirlwind of pleasure. "Are you okay with this? Do I need a condom?”

“I’m good,” I gasped, my fingers digging into Ethan's shoulders as I arched against him. The room pulsed with the sound of our mingled breaths and urgent whispers, a symphony of desire that crescendoed with every touch. "You are so hot for me," Ethan murmured, his breath warm against my ear as he pressed deeper inside me. Each thrust sought to fulfill the need burning between us like a wildfire desperate for release.

"Don't stop," I gasped, my heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of our bodies. The intensity between us was electric, igniting a wildfire of desire that consumed every inch of my being. "I need more of you," the words slipped from my lips, lost in the haze of passion that enveloped us.

We yielded to the magnetic force that drew us closer, a symphony of ecstasy playing out as we met each other's cravings and fulfilled every longing in a euphoric union. In that heated exchange, time seemed to stand still, leaving only the sensation of us intertwined in a dance of unbridled pleasure.

As our connection reached its peak, the intensity of our shared release washed over us, leaving us breathless and spent. Ethan gathered me gently into his arms and carried me to the couch, where we sank into its welcoming embrace.

Wrapped in each other's arms, our bodies still hummed with the echoes of our passion. Our surroundings faded away as we lay together, basking in the afterglow of our shared moment of bliss.

Finally, Ethan pressed a soft kiss to my temple, his breath warm against my skin. “We should probably get your car,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble.

I nodded, suddenly aware of the quiet intimacy that had settled between us. The reality of what we’d just shared began to sink in, and I felt a flush of embarrassment creep up my neck.

“Yeah,” I whispered, untangling myself from his arms. “That’s probably a good idea.”

As we dressed in silence, a mix of emotions hung in the air—comfort, satisfaction, and the slightest hint of awkwardness.



I woke up with the sunlight streaming through the small window of my apartment above Cedar Cove Auto Repair. The familiar sounds of the town beginning to stir greeted me—a car engine starting up somewhere in the distance, the distant hum of voices as people started their day. But my mind was elsewhere, stuck on the memory of last night.


The thought of her made my chest tighten, a mix of emotions swirling inside me. I hadn’t expected to feel this way—not after just one night. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to shake off the lingering thoughts. This was supposed to be simple. A bet with my sister, a month of living like an ordinary guy in a small town. But now, things were getting complicated.

My past relationships had been fun—some hotter than others—but they were all missing something. I could never fully trust the women I’d been with, always feeling like they were using me for my position, my money, or the lifestyle I could offer them. I’d learned early on to take precautions, always wary of a potentialtrap that could lead to an unexpected pregnancy or some other mess that I couldn’t afford to deal with. It was easier to keep things casual, to enjoy the thrill without getting too close.

But last night with Natalie... it was different. I had to admit, I almost waited too long to check in with her—to make sure we were good before things went too far. The idea of messing up with her, of not being careful, was a risk I hadn’t considered before. She wasn’t like the others. She wasn’t someone I could just walk away from without a second thought.

I pushed the covers off and swung my legs over the side of the bed, my feet hitting the cold floor. As I got ready for the day, my mind kept circling back to Natalie, to the way she looked at me last night, the way she felt in my arms. It wasn’t just about the physical connection—there was something deeper, something I hadn’t expected.

And that scared the hell out of me.

I pulled on a pair of running shoes, deciding that a jog might help clear my head. I needed to think; to figure out what my next move was. I couldn’t just coast through this, not when Natalie was involved. She deserved more than that, more than just some guy passing through town with a secret.

The cool morning air hit my face as I stepped outside, the streets of Cedar Cove still quiet in the early hours. I started at a slow pace, letting my body warm up as I took in the familiar sights of the town—the quaint brick houses with their perfectly manicured lawns, the old oak trees lining the sidewalks, the peaceful stillness that came before the town truly woke up.

As my feet pounded the pavement, my thoughts kept circling back to Natalie. There was something about her that pulled me in, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. She was different from anyone I’d ever met—strong, independent, with a fire in her eyes that made me want to know more.

But I couldn’t ignore the fact that I was keeping a huge part of myself from her. The bet with Sophia, my real identity, everything about my life in Dallas—it was all a secret. And secrets had a way of ruining things, no matter how good your intentions were.

I picked up the pace, the rhythm of my breathing matching the steady beat of my feet against the pavement. What was I going to do? How was I supposed to navigate this? Part of me wanted to just let things play out, to see where this connection with Natalie could lead. But the other part of me knew that if I wasn’t careful, I could end up hurting her—and that was the last thing I wanted.

A thought crossed my mind, a brief but nagging consideration. Maybe I should just tell Joe that I appreciated everything he’d done for me, but it might be best if I returned home before I messed things up further—before I hurt someone or disrupted their life.

The idea of leaving Cedar Cove now, before things got any more complicated, had a certain appeal. But as quickly as the thought came, I pushed it aside. Running away wasn’t the answer. It never had been.

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