Page 41 of Claiming My Nemesis

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I nodded, relieved to have a plan. “Sounds good. Let’s go.”

The car ride was quiet, and both of us were lost in our thoughts. I reached over, taking her hand in mine, offering a reassuring squeeze. She turned to me, her eyes filled with excitement and nerves.

“Everything’s going to be fine,” Natalie said softly.

I nodded, my grip tightening on my hand. “I know. I just want everything to go well.”

“It will,” she promised, leaning over to press a kiss to my cheek. “We’ve got this.”

Finally, the car pulled up to a stately home in a quiet neighborhood surrounded by trees and well-manicured lawns. The driver opened the door, and we stepped out, taking in the elegant façade of Natalie’s parents’ house.

“I love my parent’s home, but I’m glad I don’t live here,” she murmured, giving me a small smile. “At least it’s only for a few days.”

I grinned, wrapping my arm around her waist as we approached the front door. “Let’s go make a good impression. I hope they like me.”



My heart pounded against my chest as I mounted the steps of my parents’ home, about to introduce Ethan as my fiancé. The anticipation that had been building finally reached its peak, sending a wave of serenity and happiness rushing through me. But just as quickly, a ripple of anxiety washed over me, wondering how my parents would react to our sudden engagement.

Would they welcome Ethan with open arms? Would they give their approval to our love that had blossomed so quickly?

I stole a glance at Ethan, taking in how he adjusted his collar and straightened his jacket with a hint of nervousness. His usual confidence seemed slightly muted, and I found it oddly comforting. It was a reminder that even with our love for each other, we were still human and could feel vulnerable in big moments like this. But we were facing it together, hand in hand, and that thought gave me strength and reassurance.

“Ready?” he asked, his voice steady but with a hint of unease.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied, flashing him a small, reassuring smile.

The door to the house opened before we even reached it, and there stood my mom, Donna, with her usual loving but slightly guarded expression. My dad, Jim, was right behind her, his grin wide and welcoming.

“Natalie!” Mom exclaimed, stepping forward to give me a tight hug. She pulled back just enough to look at me, her eyes scanning my face as if she could read all the changes that had happened in my life since the last time we saw each other. “It’s so good to see you, sweetheart.”

“It’s good to see you too, Mom,” I said, hugging her back before turning to Dad, who reached to hug me.

“And this must be Ethan,” Dad said as he released me, extending a hand to Ethan with a firm grip. “I’ve heard all about the mechanic undercover billionaire.”

Ethan smiled his nerves seemingly under control now. “All good things, I hope,” he said with a light chuckle, shaking my dad’s hand.

Mom looked Ethan over, her expression thoughtful but clearly scrutinizing. “Welcome, Ethan,” she said, giving him a polite smile. “Please come in.”

There was a moment of silence, and I realized this was the perfect time to share the news. I took a deep breath, flashing my engagement ring as I spoke. “Actually, there’s something I need to tell you both. Ethan and I… well, we’re engaged.”

For a second time seemed to freeze. My mother’s eyes widened, and my father’s smile faltered just slightly. Ethan, noticing the reaction, quickly stepped forward, his old-fashioned values coming to the forefront.

“Mr. Collins,” he said, addressing my dad formally, “I wanted to ask you… I know it’s a bit late, and I apologize for that,but I’d be honored if you would give us your blessing for our engagement.”

Dad looked at Ethan, then at me, his expression shifting from surprise to something softer. A grin spread across his face, and he laughed, the sound light and genuine. “Well, that depends, son. How much is this wedding going to cost me?”

We all laughed, the tension in the air dissipating like mist under the morning sun. “You have my blessing, Ethan,” Dad said, clapping him on the shoulder. “Welcome to the family.”

I felt a rush of relief and joy, the anxiety that had been gnawing at me fading away. Though still a bit reserved, my mother stepped forward and hugged Ethan. “Congratulations to both of you,” she said softly, though I could sense there were more questions she’d save for later.

After the initial shock of our announcement faded, the conversation naturally shifted to wedding plans. We moved into the living room, where the afternoon sun streamed through the large windows. The soft light filled the space, echoing the growing sense of peace within me as my parents began to embrace this new chapter in my life.

“So,” Dad said, settling into his favorite armchair, “have you two thought about where you’d like to have the wedding?”

Ethan glanced at me, his hand finding mine and gently squeezing it. “We were thinking of Cedar Cove,” he said, his voice filled with the same excitement I felt.

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