Page 23 of Claiming My Nemesis

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I chuckled, taking a bite of the stew. “It was...different. Peaceful, in a way. But you know, it’s good to be back.”

Millie watched me with a knowing look. “Different, huh? That sounds like there’s more to the story.”

I met her gaze, hesitating for a moment before I shrugged. “Met someone there. She’s not like the usual crowd I’m around.”

“Ah, so that’s what’s got you all intrigued,” Millie said with a smile. “This someone must be special.”

“She is,” I admitted, my voice softening. “But I’m not sure how she’d fit into all this.” I gestured vaguely around the kitchen. “My life here is... a lot.”

Millie set down the dish she was drying and crossed her arms, giving me that look she’d perfected over the years—the one that said she was about to dispense some wisdom. “Listen, if she likes you for who you are, the rest will fall into place. And if she doesn’t, well, maybe she’s not the right one.”

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. “I just don’t want to mess this up.”

“You won’t,” Millie said firmly. “But you have to be honest with her and with yourself. Now, go on, enjoy your evening. I know you’ll be up to something.”

After finishing my stew, I felt the pull of my old routines. It was too early to call it a night, and the familiar comfort of my Dallas life beckoned me. As I walked through the hallway, I couldn’t help but glance at the framed photos on the wall—snapshots of a life lived in luxury but also of the people who mattered most to me. I paused at one, a picture of my mother, feeling that familiar pang of loss mixed with a sense of purpose.

When I reached my room, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my messages. To make sure Natalie wouldn’t question where I really was, I quickly downloaded a photo of a “Welcome to Dallas” sign and attached it to a text. I prayed that would be enough to convince her I was back in Dallas, just as I’d said.

ETHAN: Made it back. Miss you already!

I hesitated for a moment before hitting ‘Send.’ But I didn’t have to wait long for a response. My phone buzzed, and I smiled.

NATALIE: Miss you too.

The reality of the situation quickly tempered the feeling in my chest. I’d kept my real life in Dallas hidden from Natalie, and for now, that was how it needed to stay. But I couldn’t shake the growing attachment I felt for her despite the distance and the secrets.

Just as I was about to tuck my phone away, it buzzed again—this time with a call. Liam’s name flashed on the screen.

“Hey, man,” I answered, leaning back against the doorframe.

“Ethan! Heard you were back in town,” Liam’s voice came through, cheerful as ever. “How about a poker game at my place tonight? The usual suspects are coming over.”

I smiled, feeling the pull of familiarity. “Sounds good. I’ll be there in an hour.”

After ending the call, I changed into casual but stylish clothes, easily slipping back into the rhythm of my old life. I grabbed my keys and wallet, then paused for a moment as I remembered the watch Natalie had found, still in my bag. I ran my thumb over the sleek metal, a reminder of the complexities of my situation. With a deep breath, I slipped it on, grabbed my jacket, and headed out.

The drive through Dallas was smooth, the city lights flickering against the sleek lines of my Lamborghini. The car felt like an extension of myself—luxurious, powerful, and perfectly controlled. But as I approached Liam’s penthouse apartment, I couldn’t help but think about how different this life was from the one I’d left behind in Cedar Cove.

Parking my Lamborghini in Liam's designated guest spot, I ascended to his penthouse. The city skyline painted a familiar backdrop beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows, a sight that echoed the world I'd grown up in. Entering, I was enveloped by the buzz of conversation and the melodic clinking of glasses, signaling the start of another evening in Liam's luxurious and modern abode designed for entertaining.

As I stepped through the doorway, a wave of longing crashed over me. The usual suspects were gathered—Liam, as always, surrounded by his entourage of scantily clad gals and well-dressed guys from our inner circle.

The poker table took center stage, with stacks of chips and overflowing glasses adorning its surface. This was the kind of night that used to consume my every thought—indulgent, filled with laughter, and a welcomed escape from the mundane grind of my job.

“Ethan!” Liam called out, raising a glass in my direction. “Get over here and take a seat. We’ve been missing for you.”

I grinned and made my way over, sliding into a chair between Liam and another friend, Jason. The table was surrounded bya mix of guys I’d known for years and a few women who were clearly enjoying the attention. The atmosphere was light and playful, the kind of evening that used to make me feel right at home.

But as the game went on, I couldn't help but feel like an outsider. The conversations were all too familiar—discussions of business deals that seemed to revolve around dollar signs, exotic vacations to far-off places, and flashy new cars that served as status symbols.

I tried to participate and act interested, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Cedar Cove, to Natalie's affectionate smile and the simplicity of life there. Suddenly, this lavish lifestyle that I had so effortlessly slipped back into felt empty and shallow compared to the genuine connections and contentment I had found in a small lakeside town.

“Come on, Ethan,” Liam taunted as I hesitated over a bet. “Where’s your game face? Don’t tell me Cedar Cove turned you into a softy.” He dealt the cards. “And, what’s up with snubbing me that day on the lake?”

I chuckled and picked up my cards to shake off the unease. “Just taking my time, that’s all. Wouldn’t want to take all your fucking money too quickly.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “To answer your question, I made some friends in Ceder Cove who aren’t aware of my background.”

Liam let out a loud snort, and his eyes glinted with mischief. “I see.” He knew something was up, but before he could pry, the door flew open, and Gina walked in.

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