Page 94 of Wrecking Boundaries

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“After a certain point, it’s foolish to say no.” Derek sighs with discomfort. “If you had a plan, a new ride, or something, I would stay. Jake, you would have your pick of offers. Any team would beg to take you.”

While that may be true, it’s also not the path I want to take. “I already have an investor.” It’s Sarah, but my relationship doesn’t negate the business part. I wisely don’t mention her name, either. “We’re working onanother, and I expect that to be resolved soon.”

It will, even if it’s not on the original timetable. The fallout with Sarah’s family delayed some of our plans, but we’re meeting with two contacts next week to get it on track.

“Seriously?” Derek asks, clarifying that he harbored doubts I could pull it off.

“Are you taking the job offer?” I ask, giving him a question of my own.

“Keeping it honest, like I always do.”

Boone Rivers’ offer is a business decision, and he would extend it no matter what. The increasing carrots and the little extras are all obviously targeted at me. If I give up Sarah, this would go away.

This fucking sucks.

“I don’t want you to go, Derek. We’re a good team.” It’s my turn to force the words out. “I’ll also support you if that’s the final decision. You’ll enjoy being behind the wheel again.” Derek’s expression changes, and I get it. He’s testing me. “That’s not the response you expected?”

“I can’t help but think it’s related to the lady holed up in your RV. You two create a love nest, and he sweetens the deal immediately after; it stinks. Look, Jake, I want the job, and it won’t be easy to walk away. Does this big plan actually stand a chance?”

Telling Derek he’s a weapon in our feud would solve my problem. He also wants it, and who am I to refuse? Some guy who can offer half-baked plans with a happy smile? “Does it matter? We may not get along, but that has nothing to do with you. If you go for it, Derek, I’ll be the first person to congratulate you. You’ve been a greatfriend and a better spotter than I deserve.”

I choose to believe Boone’s decision is based solely on merit because Derek fucking deserves it. This sucks balls.

We’re at my trailer now, and I’m not bringing this problem to Sarah. She’s been hiding her misery under a bright facade, and this will make it even more difficult for her. A new spotter can be found, and Derek has earned this opportunity as much as I have.

“I’ll keep you posted,” he says.


Sarah isn’t alone.

“Hey man,” Julian says, nodding to me. “I’m here to give aid and comfort to the enemy.”

“Maddie sent him to check on me. Isn’t that sweet of her?”

Julian has always seemed decent to me, despite our limited interactions. However, he also runs with Boone Rivers, so I don’t run with him.

“Very sweet,” I say because I don’t know what else to say. “What answer are we giving to your secret ally?”

She sets a plate in front of me. A turkey sandwich and grapes are my snacks before Quals starts. Sarah hands another plate over to Julian, and a spike of jealousy hits. Why is she making him food?

“That I miss her, and we need a sleepover soon.”

I don’t react, having already dealt with those before. My younger sisters did sleepovers when they were younger. Are those the same things? Picturing her in a sleepingbag on the floor where her brother and Maddie sleep is beyond bizarre.

“If it helps, Boone is his usual charming self,” Julian says, interrupting before Sarah can say more. “He yells, but there’s a note of hidden pathos when he does. His eyes are dry, but I can tell he’s been bawling hysterically. On the inside, where it counts.” He taps his chest.

“Be serious,” Sarah says as she pokes his foot with her own.

My jealousy grows, and I let it.

“Okay, you want me to be serious? He’s upset, but he’s also not telling me his secrets, either. We’re not bosom buddies, you know.”

I laugh, which earns Julian a returning smile.

“Well, give me some advice then,” Sarah demands.

Julian puts down his sandwich and stills as his expression turns serious. “I don’t have any of that. Navigating family is something I no longer do.”

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