Page 64 of Wrecking Boundaries

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I don’t stop, wanting to press my case. She’s in front of me, and I’m not quitting now. “No, listen to me. Look at how well we work together, for fuck’s sake. You’re doing amazing stuff, and I know my career will benefit.”


Sometimes, a person’s brain will tell them to drive recklessly off a cliff, while the other part of their brain tellsthem to stop being an idiot. Meanwhile, your body keeps moving forward, and you’re unable to stop it.

I’m in the middle of one of those moments.

“I didn’t mean that,” I say. It may be too late; words can’t be easily unsaid.

“First, I’m telling your secrets, and also, I benefit your career. Which is it, Jake?”

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

The car is officially driving off the cliff.

“I think it is.” Sarah’s features shudder. The fight leaves her body as she slumps into her seat. “I have to go.”

The Car lands in the canyon and instantly turns into a fireball. There are no survivors.

She stands and leaves.

I move to follow when the server brings the glasses of wine we ordered. Shit.

I hastily pull cash from my wallet and chase after her, just in time to see Sarah driving away.

At least I know where she lives this time.


I catch up to Sarah in front of her apartment door and quickly take the keys from her hands. “You can’t lock me out this way,” I say, opening the door for us both.

She enters, with me following behind. I lock the door and toss her keys onto a nearby table.

Her small apartment perfectly reflects her personality. She presents her prickly side to the world, but to the precious few she trusts, the real Sarah comes out. A stack of romance novels sits on a coffee table. A collection of delicate tea cups rests oncustom shelving. Rich, green plants can be found everywhere.

I’m going to ask her to decorate our home someday. She could paint it all pink, and I’d love it.

“You followed me,” she says like she doesn’t fully believe it.

“What else did you expect me to do? I’m great at everything except quitting.”

Sarah silently mouths those last two words before abruptly tossing her purse on a chair and going to the kitchen.

I follow. “What are you doing?”

“Hoping to find some alcohol so I can get hammered before passing out on the bathroom floor.”


She says my name, but it only comes out as an angry screech.

“You’re not telling me to leave,” I point out.

“Why would I? You’ve ignored everything I’ve ever said. Oh, also, I’m telling your secrets, and what else? I’m great for your career.” She slams the refrigerator door shut so hard the whole thing shakes. Sarah briefly stares at it, opens the door, and repeats the action.

“Feel better?”

Her neck twists as she glares up at me. “Not even close.”

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