Page 7 of Faking It Onboard

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Dylan looms over him, his voice low and dangerous. “I warned you earlier to watch your mouth while speaking to my lady. Next time, you won’t get off so easy.”

He turns back to the table, his expression a mix of regret and professionalism. “Edward, I apologize for the disturbance. Perhaps we could resume our meeting tomorrow in a quieter setting? My girlfriend is understandably shaken, and I’d like to see to her.”

Edward nods, looking both impressed and a little wary. “Of course. We’ll be in touch to reschedule.”

Dylan’s eyes meet Joel’s, some unspoken communication passing between them. Then he reaches for my hand, and I take it without hesitation, letting him lead me away from the scene of chaos we’ve left behind.

As we make our way back towards our suites, Dylan’s thumb traces soothing circles on the back of my hand. “I’m sorry,” he says softly. “I shouldn’t have lost my temper like that. Are you okay?”

I nod, still processing everything that just happened. “Yeah, I… Thank you. For defending me.”

Dylan stops, turning to face me fully. His eyes search mine, filled with a tenderness that makes my breath catch. “Always,” he says simply.

For a moment, we just stand there, the air between us charged with something I’m afraid to name. Then Dylan clears his throat, breaking the spell.

“Listen, I know this evening didn’t go as planned, but… would you like to order in from the Golden Sunset Sushi Bar? We could watch a movie or just talk. Whatever you need to clear your head.”

The offer is so thoughtful, so Dylan, that a lump forms in my throat. “That sounds perfect,” I manage.

We continue walking, Dylan’s hand still warm in mine. He’s seen me at my best and my worst, and he’s never judged me, never tried to change me. Why isn’t that the type of man I allow myself to fall for?

My lady. He called me his lady. It’s so vintage, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t do things to my insides. Even though I know it’s part of our act, the possessive tone in his voice sent shivers down my spine. It’s a stark contrast to how Trevor used to treat me, always making me feel small and insignificant.

But it’s not just the big gestures that are getting to me. It’s the little things – the way Dylan always remembers how I take my coffee, how he values my opinion in business meetings, how he can make me laugh even on my worst days. He’s been a constant in my life for so long that I’ve almost taken him for granted.

Now, pretending to be his girlfriend, I’m seeing sides of him I never allowed myself to notice before. And it’s all making me question everything I thought I knew about our relationship.

As we reach our adjoining suites, a dangerous thought crosses my mind. What if this isn’t all an act? What if there’s something real brewing between us?

I push the thought away as quickly as it comes. Dylan is my boss and Joel’s best friend. Full Stop. This is just a temporary arrangement, a means to an end. In a few days, we’ll go back to our normal lives, and these confusing feelings will fade away.


“Caress?” Dylan’s voice pulls me from my thoughts. We’re standing outside my suite door, and he’s looking at me withconcern. “Are you sure you’re okay? We don’t have to do the sushi thing if you’re not up for it.”

I shake my head, forcing a smile. “No, I want to. Just… give me a few minutes to freshen up?”

He nods, squeezing my hand once before letting go. “Take all the time you need. I’ll order for us. Still partial to spicy tuna rolls?”

The fact that he remembers my favorite sushi order shouldn’t make my heart flutter, but it does. “You know me too well,” I say, aiming for a light tone.

As I slip into my suite, I lean against the closed door, taking a deep breath. This cruise is turning out to be far more complicated than I ever imagined. And we’re only on day one. What’s worse is I fear I’m now pretending that Dylan Carter doesn’t affect me in ways I’m not ready to admit, even to myself.

Chapter Four


I pace my cabin, running a hand through my damp hair as I wait for the sushi to arrive. This isn’t a date, I remind myself for the hundredth time. It’s just… damage control. Making sure Caress is okay after that clusterfuck of a meeting. That’s all.

I fire off a quick text to let her know the food’s on its way and that the adjoining door is open when she’s ready, my heart racing like I’m some lovesick teenager. I need to get it together. I decide to take a quick shower to wash away some of this tension coiling inside me. I beeline to the bathroom.

As the hot water cascades over my shoulders, I try to focus on anything but the woman next door. The marketing campaign. The cruise amenities. Hell, even Trevor’s smug face would be a welcome distraction from thoughts of Caress.

But my mind keeps drifting back to her. The way her eyes flashed with anger when Trevor approached her. The feel of her body pressed against mine as I stepped in to defend her. The scent of her perfume lingered long after she’d walked away.

I groan, resting my forehead against the cool tile of the shower wall. This is a dangerous game we’re playing. Pretending to be a couple, and sharing adjoining rooms, it’s a recipe fordisaster. Or for finally acting on the attraction that’s been simmering between us for far too long.

No. I can’t go there. Caress is off-limits for so many reasons. She’s my assistant, for one. And Joel’s sister, my brain reminds me for the hundredth time since we started pretending.

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