Page 19 of Faking It Onboard

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Eventually, my luck runs out entirely. I push back from the poker table, my pockets empty but my heart full. I find Caress at the roulette wheel, a healthy stack of chips in front of her.

“Well, well,” she smirks as I approach. “Looks like someone’s broke.”

I hold up my hands in mock surrender. “You got me. I bow to your superior gambling skills, my lady.”

Caress’s grin widens. “Oh, I like the sound of that. In fact…” She cashes out her chips, which have nearly doubled our initial investment, then turns to me with a glint in her eye. “I think I know exactly how I want to collect on our bet.”

Before I can react, she hops onto my back, wrapping her legs around my waist. “Onwards, noble steed!” she declares, pointing towards the exit. “Her Royal Highness’s feet shall not touch the ground for the remainder of the evening.”

I laugh, adjusting my grip to support her weight. “As you wish, Your Majesty. Where to?”

“First, a victory lap around the ship,” Caress decrees, nuzzling into my neck. “Then back to the cabin. I have plans for you, Mr. Carter.”

The promise in her voice sends a shiver down my spine. I set off, Caress’s warmth pressed against my back, her arms draped over my shoulders. As we make our way through the ship, drawing amused and curious glances from other passengers, I’m struck by how right this feels. The playfulness, the intimacy, the sheer joy of being together – it’s everything I’ve ever wanted and more.

We traverse the decks, Caress alternating between imperious commands and soft kisses pressed to my neck. By the time we reach our cabin, we’re both breathless with laughter and barely contained desire.

I fumble with the key card, Caress still clinging to my back, her lips now working their way along my jaw. As soon as the door clicks shut behind us, I spin around, pressing her against it. Our mouths meet in a searing kiss, all the pent-up passion from the evening pouring out.

“I love you,” I murmur against her lips, my hands roaming her body. “God, Caress, I love you so much.”

She pulls back just enough to meet my gaze, her eyes shining with emotion. “I love you too, Dylan. Now, take me to bed. We’ve got all night, and I intend to make the most of it.”

As we tumble onto the bed, clothes flying in every direction, I silently thank whatever twist of fate brought us on this cruise.


Chapter Eleven


My hand trembles slightly as I raise it to knock on Joel’s cabin door. Dylan’s steady presence beside me is both comforting and nerve-wracking. We exchange a quick glance, and he gives me an encouraging nod.

“You’ve got this,” he murmurs, squeezing my hand.

Before I can respond, the door swings open, revealing Joel. His expression darkens as he takes us in, his gaze lingering on our joined hands.

“Well, if it isn’t the happy couple,” he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Come to rub it in my face?”

I wince at his tone. “Joel, please. We just want to talk.”

He steps back, allowing us to enter. The tension in the room is palpable as we settle on the small loveseat, Joel taking the chair opposite us.

“So, talk,” he says, crossing his arms.

Dylan clears his throat. “Look, man, I know this isn’t how you wanted to find out. But I need you to understand that what Caress and I have is real.”

Joel scoffs. “Real? You’ve known each other for years, and suddenly you’re in love? Forgive me if I’m a little skeptical.”

“It’s not sudden,” I interject, my voice stronger than I feel. “These feelings have been building for a long time. We just… finally stopped fighting them.”

Joel’s eyes narrow. “And what about all those women you’ve dated, Dylan? The ones you never commit to?”

Dylan tenses beside me, but his voice remains calm. “I’m not gonna fight you on this, man. I’m not. I’d hoped you would know me well enough to know I’d never disrespect or play with Caress’s heart like that.”

He runs a hand through his hair, sighing. “Look, I don’t know how you’re going to find it within yourself to accept this, but you better figure it out, and you better do it fast because I love your sister, and I’m not stepping away from her, not even at the cost of our friendship.”

My heart swells at his words, and I squeeze his hand tightly.

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