Page 17 of Faking It Onboard

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After a beat, I speak again, my voice soft but sure. “I’ve wanted this—wanted you—for so long.” The admission tumbles from my lips, releasing years of suppressed desire. “I was afraid, but I’m not anymore. I want this, Dylan. I want you.”

A low groan rumbles in his chest as he closes the distance between us. The first touch of his lips on mine ignites my senses, erasing all traces of doubt. My hands roam his body, seeking out familiar yet uncharted territory. I gasp into his mouth, clinging to his shoulders as he hovers on top of me, his arms on either side of my head.

My phone rings out, but like Dylan, I ignore it, unwilling to have anything ruin us, finally taking a chance to tighten our connection.

Dylan’s cock presses against my thigh, rigid and thick. I wrap my fingers around his length, marveling at its girth. He hisses a sharp breath, bucking into my grip.

“Ready?” he growls. I nod, guiding him to my entrance. Dylan slips on the condom and then pushes in with one powerful thrust, stretching and filling me. We cry out together, our moans mingling.

Dylan pulls back slowly, only to slam into me again. My body readily responds to the sensation, and I dig my nails into the taut muscles of his back. He sets a punishing pace, pounding into me as I lift my hips to meet each thrust.

Sweat beads on our skin as we move together. Our harsh breaths and the slap of flesh echo through the room, accompanied by the creak of the bed frame. My phone rings out again and again, I ignore it. Dylan increases the pace of his thrusts, hitting areas inside me I hadn’t even known existed.

A knock sounds on the door, but neither of us makes an effort to move towards it. Instead, Dylan meets my eyes as he pulls his cock all the way to my entrance and slams back in, making me yell in pleasure. He does it again before picking back up at a maddening pace.

Pressure builds within me, radiating from between my legs. “Dylan,” I gasp, “Don’t stop. I’m so close.”

He redoubles his efforts, angling to hit the spot that makes me see stars. The coil in my belly snaps, sending waves of pleasure crashing over me. I cum with a sob, clenching around Dylan’s cock.

My release triggers his own, and with a roar, he spills into the condom. We ride out the aftershocks together, clutching each other as if our lives depended on it.

In the silence that follows, I rest my head on Dylan’s chest, listening to the thrum of his heart. His arms encircle me, warmand secure. There are no more doubts, no more fears, only bliss and the knowledge that everything about this feels right.

We lay entwined for long moments, reluctant to break the spell of intimacy. Dylan’s fingers trail up and down my spine, sending delicious shivers through me. I nuzzle into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent.

“That was…” Dylan trails off, at a loss for words. I lift my head to meet his gaze, seeing my own wonder reflected in his eyes.

“Perfect,” I whisper.

A soft smile curves his lips. “Beyond perfect.”

I trace the line of his jaw, marveling at how natural this feels. “Why did we wait so long?”

“None of that matters,” he says, meeting my eyes. “All that matters is that we are here now, and I swear on all things I love that I am never letting you go.”

“I love you,” the words slip out before I can stop them. I tense, afraid that it’s too soon, that I’ve ruined this precious moment.

But Dylan smiles, emotion clouding his own eyes. “I love you, too.” The words leave his mouth as if it’s the simplest truth in the world. “I think I always have.”

My heart soars at his confession. I surge up to capture his lips in a searing kiss, pouring all the love and passion I feel for this man into it. When we part, I rest my forehead against his, overcome with gratitude for this chance to start our story anew.

“The past is behind us,” Dylan murmurs, tightening his hold on me. “All that matters now is the future. Our future, together.”

Before I can respond, the door flies open with a bang, startling us from our reverie. I scramble to cover myself as Joel storms in, eyes blazing with anger.

“Just a sister, huh, bud? You fuck your sisters now?” he demands, gaze flickering between Dylan and me before settling on Dylan.

Dylan sits up, pulling me into his side. Tension in his body, but his demeanor remains calm.

“Joel, calm down,” Dylan says in a measured tone, reaching over to grab me an oversized t-shirt from his drawer and handing me another sheet to fully cover myself. He stands with another sheet covering his groin. “It’s not what it looks like.”

Joel scoffs, disbelief etched into every line of his face. “It looks like you’re fucking my sister without so much as the decency to bolt the damn door. How is that not what it looks like?” He pauses to gesture to my phone on the ground. “It fucking sounds that way, too, considering you’ve had me connected to your phone this whole fucking time.”

I flinch at his crude language, shrinking into Dylan. His arm tightens around me.

Dylan takes a deep breath as if steadying himself. “Shit, okay, I’m sorry about that. and I’m sorry for lying to you earlier when I said I didn’t have feelings for Caress.” Dylan bends to grab a pair of shorts from a drawer. “Caress and I… we’re together now. Romantically, I mean.”

“The fuck you are,” Joel shouts. “I warned you about trying to turn my sister into some dime-a-dozen hoe you found in some greasy ass bar.”

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