Page 13 of Faking It Onboard

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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chant, my voice growing more urgent with each repetition until everything in me convulses and I cum. Hard. Washing and replacing the cock ring, I return to my shower.

I step out of the shower with my body clean, but my mind still reeling, and I know I’m in deep shit. Giving in to my impulses was supposed to quench my growing thirst for Caress, but it’s left me wanting more. And while I’ve become a pro at pretending, I don’t think my cock will do the same. I sigh andmove to get dressed for the meeting with thoughts of Caress still on my mind.

* * *

Straightening my tie, I head towards the conference room, my stomach knotting with anticipation. As soon as I enter, I spot Caress, looking stunning as always in a fitted navy dress. But something’s off. Her usual warmth is absent, and no smile nor morning coffee greets me as she hands a cup to Joel.

“Glad you could join us, Mr. Carter,” she says, sarcasm lacing her tone. “We were beginning to think you’d gotten lost at sea.”

I flinch at the jab but maintain my composure. “Traffic was terrible,” I quip, trying to lighten the mood, but Caress just rolls her eyes. Maybe the feelings behind our moment last night weren’t as mutual as I thought.

Throughout the meeting, I struggle to focus on Edward’s presentation. My attention keeps drifting to Caress, noting every clipped response, every tightening of her jaw. What’s going on with her? This isn’t the woman I know.

“And how are things progressing with the test campaign, Mr. Carter?” Edward’s question snaps me back to reality.

“Excellently,” I respond, forcing enthusiasm into my voice. “And, please call me Dylan. Caress and I have been working tirelessly to ensure its success.”

I catch Caress’s eye, hoping for some sign of agreement, but she quickly looks away. My chest tightens. We need to talk, and soon.

“I’m glad to hear it,” Edward nods approvingly. “And… forgive me if I’m overstepping, but how are things on a personal level? You two seem… tense.” His expression sobers. “I won’tlie. The altercation last night has raised a few concerns with my team. They’re worried that with a relationship such as yours within your company it will only lead to you not dedicating a hundred percent to our campaign, seeing there already seems to be a level of … ‘drama’ surrounding your union.”

I swallow hard. I expected this. Hell, we practiced for this, but Caress’s demeanor throws me off a little. My gaze flicks to Caress, who’s suddenly found the carpet fascinating. Deciding to stick to last night’s plan, I plaster on my most convincing smile.

“Not at all, Edward. Caress and I are rock solid,” I assure him, my voice steady despite the lie. I turn my gaze onto Caress to see her reaction to the statement I’m about to add. I was done pretending, and right now, I didn’t care who knew. “In fact, I intend to marry her one day. You can quote me on that.”

Caress’s head snaps up, her eyes wide. For a split second, I see a flicker of… something. Longing? Hope? But it’s gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by that same annoyed expression she’s worn all morning. Joel clears his throat, but I train my eyes on Caress, who is again doing everything to avoid looking in my direction.

“Wonderful,” Edward says, a smile in his voice. “My team and I just want to be sure any related drama won’t affect our future business. Enjoy the rest of the cruise, I’ll check back in re the test campaign when we’re back on land.”

“I’ll walk you out, Edward,” Joel offers, Caress standing swiftly after him.

Oh no you don’t.Whatever this resentment is that she’s pushing in my direction isn’t leaving this room. As Joel leads Edward towards the door, I move swiftly to Caress’s side. My fingers wrap around her elbow as I lean in, my lips nearly brushing her ear.

“We need to talk,” I whisper, my voice deeper than expected. “Now.”

Joel glances back over to us with a raised brow as he opens the door.

“Everything’s fine,” I assure him with a smile. “We’ll be right out.”

Joel’s mouth opens as if to say something but thinks better of it. Instead, he simply shakes his head then leaves.

Chapter Seven


I scold myself for the stupid shiver that runs down my spine from Dylan’s breath that’s still hot against my ear. Goosebumps trail down my skin where he touches me, but I yank my arm away, putting distance between us. I won’t let him see how much he affects me. Not after what I overheard this morning.

As Joel leaves the room, I turn to face Dylan, crossing my arms over my chest. My nails dig into my biceps, grounding me. “What is it, Mr. Carter?” I ask, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “Can’t stand that your ‘friend’ is finally acting like one instead of continuing to pretend?”

Dylan’s brow furrows, confusion and hurt flashing across his face. “What’s going on with you, Caress? You’ve been giving me the cold shoulder all morning.”

I let out a bitter laugh, the sound harsh even to my own ears. “Oh, that’s rich. You’re seriously asking me that?”

“I don’t understand-”

“No, you wouldn’t, would you?” I snap, cutting him off. My heart pounds in my chest. “Tell me, Dylan, how does it feel to be such a hypocrite?”

He takes a step towards me, and I instinctively back away. “What the hell are you talking about?”

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