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“Is it morning already?” Hugo asked, rolling over on his side to face Alice. He was laying down, hovering about shoulder height, and covered up to his neck in a blanket draping over him. “Do you know yourAir Walkwears off after a few hours?”

“It’s after sundown, not morning,” Alice replied. “And yes. Yes, I did.”

Hugo sat up; his legs dangled as if he were sitting on an invisible ledge in the air. He wore a ruffled up, black T-shirt and matching boxer briefs.

“Do you also know what it’s like to slam into a stone floor when it wears off?”

Alice stood with her hands on her hips, a smirk on her face, and sadness in her eyes. “Can’t say I do.”

“Well,” Hugo started as he floated down to the ground with his blanket in hand. “Even as a vampire, it hurts. Like a lot. Especially ifyou’re sleeping. I’m leaving a terrible review for this air bed-and-breakfast.”

Alice lowered her head and chuckled. “I see you haven’t lost your sense of humor.”

“Nope. I may be undead, but my humor is very much alive.”

Undead. The word sent a chill running through Alice’s nerves. She closed her eyes and bit her lip to hide the pain, to stop herself from bawling her eyes out and reducing herself to a blubbering mess on the floor. She kept herself busy—her mind busy—vampire proofing the house so Hugo wouldn’t have to lurk in the shadows of her wine cellar away from the sunlight.

Every window was now covered in thick, light blocking curtains. The windows of their bedroom were reinforced with black wood paneling, sealing it off from the outside world, so he could sleep in their bed once again. Alice went through every room to ensure Hugo could move freely throughout the house at any time, day or night. She believed this was her fault, and she would be doing everything she could to make him comfortable.

“I’m kind of starving. It’s weird. It’s like a different sensation. Like I’m hangry and woozy and irritable all at the same time,” Hugo said.

“It’s the vampire frenzy,” Alice said in a solemn tone. “If you go too long without feeding on blood, you’ll frenzy. You’ll rampage until the thirst is quelled.”

“I take it a candy bar won’t fix it?”

Alice chuckled, hiding her tears as she bent over at the comment. She hesitated for a moment before scolding Hugo, but her voice betrayed her true emotions with a playful undertone. “I’ll stake you myself if you don’t stop with the jokes. This is serious.”

“Hey. I know,” Hugo replied. “Elizabeth used to joke with me all the time. I never understand how she could joke with everything she was going through . . . until now.”

Alice wiped a tear from her cheek.

“I figured I have two options. Ican sulk and not change the outcome. Or I can joke and not the change the outcome. If I can’t change anything, I might as well laugh. Right?”

Alice laughed, covering her mouth with her hands. “I love you so much right now,” she said, her words muffled behind her fingers.

“You only love me because I’m a vampire.” He ran his fingers through his hair. Hugo smirked as he lowered his head, his eyes glaring at her from below the top of his eyelids. He winked. “And that makes me more of a scoundrel. I bet you love bad boys.”

“I’ll stake you right now if you don’t calm down,” Alice blurted as she crossed her arms.

“The stereotypes of vampires are true. I feel . . . different. Like a teenager again. If you know what I mean?”

“Yes. Yes, I do. You’re not the first vampire I’ve dated, remember? I’m well aware.”

Hugo straightened and moved toward Alice, dragging the blanket behind him. “So, how do I stop myself from frenzying? I’m willing to try new things, but I really don’t want to crossthatline.” Hugo locked onto Alice’s neck.

“Ez is on her way. She’s taken care of it,” Alice answered, rubbing her neck.

“Good.” Hugo breathed a sigh of relief. “How’s she doing?”

“Ez? She’s okay. Concerned, but okay,” Alice replied.

“I meant your reflection.”

“Oh. She’s . . . she’s not well. She’s sobbing and wailing and crying.” Alice paused, staring at a spot on the stone floor. “She won’t talk to me.”

“Does she blame me?”

Alice shook her head no.

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