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Sylvia put her weight on the table, and Sebastian let go. He rushed behind the vulnerable Hugo, trying to restrain both of his arms, but Hugo fought back.

“Fuck you,” Hugo said as his arms flared to strike back.

Hugo took hold of Sebastian’s pant leg, yanking, and trying to trip him. Sebastian kicked his leg back, yanking his pant leg from Hugo’s grasp. He reared his leg back, and Hugo winced as Sebastian kicked him in his side.

Hugo let his guard down, and Sebastian trapped both of his wrists. He pulled them back over Hugo’s head and down to theground. Sebastian kneeled on them, pinning his hands under him. He placed his forearm on Hugo’s head to keep him in place.

Sylvia threw the table to the side, providing Hugo a sense of relief. The relief was momentary, as she yanked the chair out from under him, scraping his back in the process. He howled. She stood over Hugo, her high heels on both sides of his chest, looking down on him. Her black leather pants squeaked as she knelt, straddling his torso. She lowered her body weight on the spot where the table was trying to cut him in half.

Hugo grimaced. His legs kicked and flailed, trying to escape. Sylvia used her hips to grind on his stomach, extruding as much pain as possible. He screamed in agony.

She leaned forward, pushing her left hand into his right shoulder, her face mere inches from his. Her breath washed over his lips as if she were leaning in to kiss him. Although, her kiss wouldn’t be on the lips. Sylvia traced under his jawline to his chin using the lightest touch of her finger. A shiver of both excitement and despair ran down Hugo’s body.

She shifted back and forth on his torso. Hugo winced with each swaying motion of her hips.

She smiled. “Does this excite you?” she whispered as her breath washed over Hugo’s ear.

“She’ll tear your world down, so help me, she’ll destroy you,” Hugo yelled.

She sat up with a pouting scowl on her face. “You really are no fun. I always like to have a little bit of fun before dinner.”

Hugo squirmed and kicked, but couldn’t dislodge her. “Go to hell!”

Sylvia lightly smacked him on both cheeks, batting him like a cat with a small toy. “You know, I’ve beheaded people for a lesser offense than trying to stake me and my husband. It makes it easier to bleed them dry. But today is your lucky day,” Sylvia said, raising her hands in the air in celebration. “You’re more valuable to me undead than beheaded.”

Sebastian turned Hugo’s head, exposing his neck. Sylvia leaned in and licked it. Hugo tightened at the sensation of her rough tongue dragging across his neck. His heart beat faster and faster. He let out a yell, hoping someone passing by would hear him.

“I can hear your heart beating. I can smell the blood coursing through your veins. It’s exquisite. In time, you’ll learn to appreciate my generous gift I’m giving you. In time, she’ll learn to appreciate it as well,” Sylvia said.

I’m sorry, Alice.

Sylvia’s fangs elongated. She turned to Sebastian. “Darling, please be a dear, and go get a bottle. I don’t want to waste any of this.” She lurched forward and clamped down on Hugo’s neck, piercing his skin with a fiery sting.

It was like a plastic straw pushing into a lid as the fangs slid deeper to find his blood. His blood bubbled and boiled under the skin. His body was on fire, ravaged by what was transpiring. He called out for help, but it never came.

Sylvia moaned with excitement and ecstasy.

Sylvia. Sebastian. The restaurant.They all faded into black as he slipped from his mortal coil. He gave a final thought before disappearing into nothingness.

Alice, please forgive me.

Chapter 13

Which Witch Are You?

Alice sat alone at the bar of Ez’s new club, The Coven Club, located in a different city far away from their original home. The Coven Club was fancier than the original. It was designed from the ground up, not shoved into an existing building like the one before. Everything was top of the line and spewed elegance. The walls were exposed brick. The bar top was made of a polished, black onyx and lined one side. The center was filled with square tables a few steps down from the rest of the bar. Gold railings surrounded them with more tables on the outside.

Gold and crystal light fixtures hung over every table, providing a dim spotlight on the occupants below. A curved stage filled the back wall. Thick, navy curtains were drawn back to reveal the floating instruments bathed in a blue and purple light. The entire floor was covered in a red velvet like carpet—a far cry from the black, wood floor of the original. If Ez had to start over, at least she went big this time.

“She’ll be right out,” a man’s voice said from behind the bar. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

Alice shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Thank you.”

“Let me know if you need anything,” he said before returning to his prep for the night. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.

Alice chuckled. Time was circular. This seemed all too familiar as her mind slipped back to that fateful evening.

Soft jazz musicfilled the room as instruments floated above the stage. Unseen arcane hands plucked the strings, tapped the drums, and pressed the brass valves to conjure the melodic sounds. The room was dimly lit, smokey, and full of energy. A clandestine place for those empowered with arcane abilities to meet and mingle.

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