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“How was church?”

“Informative. Bones will be here later tonight or tomorrow morning, and hopefully we can get the ball rolling on clearing this shit up.”

“Good. I have been worried about Ms. Adelaide,”

“She’s been protected, but I understand.” We sit in silence, eating and feeding Jazz and Blues until we are both stuffed and ready for a nap.

“Come on, let’s get cleaned up and go take a nap. The boys are already asleep,” I tell her, looking at them curled up next to each other, asleep in the sun. We make quick work of picking up, grabbing the rest of the food, and heading inside. We wash up in the half bath before cuddling up on the sofa, turning on the TV and falling asleep instantly wrapped in each other’s arms.



“Why am I here?” Giovanni says as soon as he is settled in the chair.

“We’re here because we have a problem, a few problems.”

“Is that a fact,” he says, leaning back in the chair and adjusting his gun as if that intimidates me.

“Listen, you may run shit in the DMV area, but you don’t run shit or intimidate no one around here. You come in the Quarter and try to get a foothold in one of the businesses without getting clearance, without coming to find out whose territory you were in. Secondly, you are trying to kill my ol’ lady, and for those things alone, you should be gator bait,” I tell him, pulling out both my Desert Eagles and placing them on the table, letting him know mine is bigger than his.

“I am not sure you know who I am,” he says.

“I know exactly who you are. I know you run the DMV, Delaware, and part of New Jersey, and you are trying to move further south. But what I am telling you is you will not take hold here, so you can skip past Nola. I suggest you skip Louisiana as a whole cause the Sinners ain’t who you want to fuck with. Now, let's talk about Veronique. She’s off limits, but I am willing topay the debt her fuck ass husband owes, but in turn, you leave her alone, and you remove any protection you have for him.”

“And the casino?”

“Belongs to her,”

“And what do I get out of this?”

“You get to breathe,” I tell him, leaning on my elbows resting on my knees. “I know you think you are big, but I am here to tell you the Sinners are bigger. We are here, Vegas, and Oakland just to name a few. We cover the West Coast to the East Coast. You’ll have Sinners after you from every corner until you’re dead. This is the only offer you’re going to get, so I suggest you give me a number we can agree on and consider this a loss. And I know you aren’t used to not being the big fish, but I suggest you move past it.” His face turns several shades of red. Luckily it is just him and I in the room, so none of his men can witness this interaction.

I know image means a lot, especially in this life, but like my guns on the table versus his on his side, the Sinners are bigger, and he knows that. His men are waiting outside, along with my men, to see how this is going to end.

“You gave me the impression when you requested this meeting that it would be a negotiation, but in reality, it was more of a warning and an invitation to get the fuck out,”

“And don’t come back,” I interrupt.

“Mmm, I see. I may not mind going to war with the Sinners. After all, I have the means and the money,”

“But do you have the men? How many are going to work for you when anyone who works for you ends up dead? I want you to understand that I won’t just kill your worker bees. I will kill your family, your allies, hell, I would kill your fucking dog, cat, rat or bat. I will literally set this fucking planet on fire and burn up with it if it means taking you with me.”

“This shit isn’t worth it,” he finally says, realizing he has no chance of winning this. “Fifty million.”

“Be so fucking for real,” I reply as he takes a deep breath.

“Forty million,”

“How about ten million, and before you balk at it, let me explain to you I know how much the casino is worth, how much it brings in, and I pretty much know how much that bitch owes you, and this is double that.”

“Fifteen million,”

“Done. What is the account number?” I ask, and he provides the numbers. “You’ll get half now and the other half after your ass and your men are out of New Orleans, and my Franklin problem is eliminated.” If looks could kill, I would be dead, but he knows he can’t win this one. Part of being a good leader is knowing when to cut your losses, but he doesn’t like it. Like I give a fuck.

“I’ll be out of here as soon as I can get all of my men together.”

“For all the ones who have been continuously enjoying the brothel, tell them to tip…generously.”

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