Page 10 of Lion

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“Well, after you go to church, let’s wrap this shit up. Dad’s death has gone unpunished long enough.”

“I agree, brother. I’ll see you soon,” I hung up, sending a reply text to Loki before looking up at the sky, taking a deep breath before heading back inside.

“Everything okay?” she asks.

“Yeah, pack a bag. We'll be gone for a few days,” I tell her. She looks at me for a few long seconds before getting up to do what I told her to do.


Now I may be slow, but I’m not stupid. Lion is in some way tied to what is going on, but I don’t quite know how. There is one theory bouncing around in my head, but I keep thinking it would be a little crazy. However, there are just a few too many similarities, but until I can prove it, I’ll keep my mouth closed. As far as going with him, well, he’s probably the safest place to be and it would appear he’s the only way I can get to Judah. I throw my clothes in a backpack along with some toiletries and go downstairs to leave with Lion. By the time I reach the garage he has secured the bike on the back of the truck and is waiting for me. I hop in the cab, open the garage on the app on my phone, buckle my seat belt, set the house alarm,and wait to see where this crazy journey leads me.

To his house, that’s where! First of all, it’s not where I thought it would be, and secondly, it was way more normal, big, and unassuming than I anticipated.

“Lion, this is nice,” I tell him.

“You sound so surprised,”

“I am. I half expected little more than a hovel,” I tell him honestly.

“Wow,” he says, and I simply shrug in response.

“Then again, the cost of that bike and truck should have told me all I needed to know,”

“Let me show you to your room.”

“Oh, I actually get my own room?” I ask, surprised because he wouldn’t let me out of his sight at my house.

“I know my security, and I am confident you won’t run.”

“Oh, gotcha, so you were all cuddled up with me in my bed because you were afraid of my running? Riiiiggghhhhttttt!” I tell him, slowly walking around and looking at his house.

Before I can blink, he is behind me with my front pushed up against the living room wall, his lips scraping my neck as he talks. “If you want to be in my bed, Ronnie, all you have to do is ask,” he sucks the skin on my neck near my collarbone, and his hands are not idle either. One is in my braids, pulling my head back and the other is slipping past the bands of my jeans, playing with the elastic on my panties. I have to take a deep breath to pull myself together before I beg this man to fuck me right here against this wall. Even when I was supposed to be afraid of this man, when he was literally threatening my life, I was more attracted to him than I ever was to my husband. I do not understand why this man can elicit these types of feelings in my body but I kind of want to explore it.Oh god! What is wrong with me?

“Say the word, Ronnie. With your mouth cause the desire I smell coming from your pussy is answering pretty loudly, but Iwant to hear your mouth say you want to feel my dick stretching your pussy.”

“Oh god, Lion,” I moan out, and I am hanging on by a thread.

“Is that, yes, Lion, I want you to fuck me? Or yes, Lion, I want to cum on your dick? Or is it yes, Lion, but I want to cum on your face? Cause let me tell you, I would love to make a meal out of your pussy and drink your cum like it’s café noir.”

The soft thud of my head hitting the wall in defeat echoes around the room. He pulls his hands from my panties and backs up enough to turn me around. No sooner than my back settles against the wall, he captures my lips in a kiss that has me on the verge of cumming. He leans down to pick me up when we hear noise coming from the front door. I would have expected him to jump away from me, but he took his time resting his forehead against mine.

“Hey, Lion,” the voice calls, but Lion doesn’t move a muscle.

“We will finish this later. I want you in my bed, naked and wet later, and I am going to take care of you and this pussy,” he says, kissing me on the tip of my nose. “All night.”

“Oh shit! My bad,” the Lion lookalike says as he rounds the corner on us.

“Living room,” Lion barks, making me jump, but the kiss he gives me settles my nerves while simultaneously revving up my desire again. But the lookalike didn’t care at all if the trailing laughter is anything to go by.

“I hate him,” he says, walking out and leaving me standing there with noodles for legs.


“What the fuck was that?” Bones asks with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Fuck off. What do you want?”

“I started digging into the casino Dad invested in, and it’s a shit show. Since he killed Dad without getting him to sign over his portion of the business, he needed to come up with the money that he was stealing, so he got some pretty high-interest loans. And by high-interest loans, I mean it could cost you your life if you don’t pay type of high- interest,”

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