Page 19 of Haunted

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“Did you find anything out?”

“Not yet. We fingerprinted every inch of the house, put up a few security cams and double-checked every door and window - and if you wanted to know, that house has a lot of goddamned windows. I have the full backing of my department and they’re giving me tomorrow off so I can make sure Rory is alright.”

Te’s eyes start to widen over the course of what I am telling her. They grow particularly large at my last comment. “Theywouldn’t do that for your sister’s friend. What did you tell them?”

Yeah, my twin knows me too well. “I might have told them she was special to me.”

“Special or did you tell them the two of you are together…as in dating?”

I don’t say a word. I won’t define my relationship with Rory with anyone until I talk to her about it.

“Where is she?”

“I put her in your room - don’t think I didn’t realize you told her to take that room before you left, mister. She pretty much cried herself into exhaustion. It was horrible, Ben.”

“I’ll check on her.”

“I bet you will.” She steps in my way as I start down the hall. “What’s going on with you and Rory, Ben? You aren’t playing with her heart, are you?”

“Fuck no! I respect Rory too much to do that kind of shit to her. You should know that.”

“What I mean is…Rory’s always…it’s just that Rory has always really liked you and you might not realize how deep her feelings for you go.”

“Wait…Rory’s always liked me? As more than a friend?”

Te looks behind her before giving me a reluctant nod.

“Why? Why didn’t you fucking tell me? Why didn’t you say something?”

“She didn’t want me to tell anyone because she didn’t think you felt the same way. She didn’t want things to be weird between the two of you. She’s going to be worried that’s going to happen, Ben. You’re going to have to make sure she realizes it’s real…if it is real.”

God damn it. I rub my hand over my face and stare down my sister. How could she keep something like this from me for so long? Why did I never notice?

“I’ll take care of Rory, Te. That’s my job now.”

She holds my gaze for another minute before unfolding her arms and stepping out of my way. “It better be cause it’s about damned time. Me and mom have been waiting long enough.”

My brows go up in disbelief but she's disappeared into the room I’ve given her when she stays with me. I go into my room and find my princess in the middle of my bed. All I can think about is what my sister said about Rory always having a thing for me. I don’t even question if it’s true or not, Te wouldn’t lie about something like this, and I could tell how guilty she was about telling me… like maybe my little princess swore her to secrecy about it. My sister isn’t easy to read but I’m her twin. I know her almost as well as I know myself. I thought I knew Rory like that, but it would seem she’s got a few secrets I need to learn.

My eyes adjust to the light enough that I can see her bare leg thrown over the sheets. Her nightgown has ridden up to her waist leaving her in nothing but her panties. Thinking about what’s under those panties has my mouth watering. Knowing that I’m the only man who’s ever had his hands on it has me moving closer, my knee already on the bed.

Every decision is made for me when she half rolls to her back and one lusciously round globe pops free of the neckline, her soft pink nipple standing out in the moonlight. I didn’t get a chance to look at her breasts when I had her over my knee or when I was petting her tight little pussy. Now all I can focus on is that pretty strawberry tip and the soft swollen mound it rests on.

I should leave her to rest and go sleep on the couch. Knowing she’s in my bed surrounded by my scent and my things should be enough to calm my horny ass down. But then she starts frowning in her sleep, her brows drawn together in a grimace as she starts fighting with the blankets. I lose track of what I’m supposed to be doing, what I should do, and go to Rory.

“Sweetheart, are you alright?” Her hands flail out and more of her breast is uncovered. “Rory, baby…”

“Bennet!” She cries out for me, and I can’t help but go to her. Not when she needs me.

I lay on top of her so she can feel my weight on her, working my way in between her warm thighs.

“Bennet.” She blinks her eyes open sleepily. I'm not sure if she’s fully awake yet but she definitely knows who is on top of her.

“You having a bad dream, baby?” I nuzzle her chin before dropping light kisses on her mouth and trailing down to her neck.

She moans softly before tilting her head back so I can reach more of her neck, not really answering me but letting me know she likes what I am doing.

My hand brushes down her arm and then back up before sliding over to her breast. The soft flesh fills my hand, and her nipple hardens into a tight little nub. Rory gasps at the brush of my hands and arches into my touch.

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