Page 1 of Haunted

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Chapter One


I’m back. I can’t believe I’m standing in the same store I came to with my mom so many times. To be honest, not much has changed. The same aisles full of the same food, the same trashy magazines at the check-out line, the same old manager who always looked down his nose at me when I was a teenager; And I couldn’t be happier.

When I left for college, I couldn’t wait to leave and be on my own. Now, I can’t wait to put down roots and start my own family here. My best friend is here, my memories -both good and bad- are here and now, so is the house I just bought… well, me and the bank. Hopefully, one day it will just be mine… in about thirty years or so.

I pick up a few more things that I’ll need and make my way to the check-out. Before I can, my name is being called.


I turn to find someone I’m not mentally prepared to see just yet. My best friend’s twin brother. Dressed in… uniform?

“I thought that was you.”

My mind screams at me.Speak fool!

“Bennet, how are you?” I never feel like I can never get enough air when he’s around and I always act like an idiot. But I guess that’s what happens when you have a crush on someone.

Yeah, I know how cliché I am! Falling in love with my best friend’s brother is so… expected. Damn it! It’s not like I wanted this, but ever since I met Bennett when I was ten I have been madly, and hopelessly, in love.

“Good. I’m good, and you?”

It’s been a couple of years since he’s seen me. Not something his twin, Bronte, can say. She’s come to spend weekends with me, and we talk all the time. The twins are two years older than me and Bennet left as soon as he turned eighteen like I did so it’s been at least four years since we’ve been in the same vicinity… breathing the same air.

“I’ve been good.” I wave my hand to take in his uniform. “Wow. Look at you, Officer Underwood!”

He gives me a self-deprecating smile, “Yeah.”

“You look good!” Shit, did I already tell him he looked good, or did I say it in my head? “It suits you!”

“You look good too. I can’t believe Te didn’t tell me you were back.”

Well, Bennet, that would be because I asked her not to. Instead of commenting, I just give him what I hope is a clueless look. Te knows me too well for me to hide something as big as my crush from her, she found out almost before I did and has kept my secret ever since.

“We should catch up, you and me. Maybe over dinner.”

Shit! “Oh, um, yeah, maybe. I’m kind of busy. I just bought the old Snodgrass place.”

Before I can even close my mouth on the last word he is commenting.

“What? You just bought that old Victorian out on Bakers Circle?”

“Yeah,” I say it excitedly. I can talk to anyone about the place.


“Excuse me?”

Not the response I was expecting.

“You can’t stay out there.”


“It’s too far out… you're too… small.”

I can’t believe he would say that! My free hand goes to my hip as I jut it out and prepare myself to argue with him. “Bennet Underwood! I can’t believe you! I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank you very much!”

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