Page 70 of Ruthless King

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“I don’t know. I didn’t notice him until he walked past.”

“To the bar?” Sasha asked.

“No, to the . . .” she trailed off.

“Private rooms? Right. Who was he with?”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. I’m probably better off not knowing.” Because she didn’t want to have to scratch the other woman’s eyes out.

“No doubt. So that’s why you’re upset? Because he might have recognized you? If he had, don’t you think he would have reacted?”

“Yeah, of course. You’re right.”

For some reason, she couldn’t tell Sasha all of it. That she’d had a crush on this guy forever. Still did.

And he’d broken her heart tonight.

Wow. Dramatic, much?

Besides, she knew what Sasha would say. She was basically the opposite of Jilly.

Where Jilly was romantic and looked at everything with rose-colored glasses, Sasha was practical and cynical.

She’d tell Jilly she was an idiot for lusting after a man for years. A man who had never shown any interest in return.

And Sasha would be right.

But that didn’t mean that Jilly wanted to hear it.

“Yeah, it just rocked me, is all.”

Sasha shrugged. “In a few months, you should be out of here, right?”

“I’m thinking about staying on a bit longer. Get some money into my savings.”

“Really? I thought you’d be out of here as soon as you could.” Sasha smirked.

“Well, if I keep seeing people I know, I might have to.”

“You could fast-track things by taking on some private dances. Someone offered you three times your fee the other night. You know, maybe I should stop offering them, and then people might offer me ridiculous amounts to give them private dances.”

“You must do all right.”

Sasha huffed out a breath. “Not as well as you’d think. I’ve got to go, it’s nearly time for me to go on. You sure you’ll be all right?”

“Yes, thanks for caring.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

Regent stared at his phone.

He’d sent Jilly a message three hours ago to let her know a plumber and builder would be starting on her bathroom the week after next.

But he’d heard nothing back.

Sure, it could take someone longer than an hour or two to reply. But not Jilly.

Typically, she answered within half an hour.

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