Page 57 of Ruthless King

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“In case I didn’t make myself clear before, you’re to remain in the hall or the living room or go outside for some fresh air until I come back for you. Understand?”

“But I can help. This is my kitchen.”

“You’re not helping. The smoke isn’t good for your lungs. Now, you either obey me or you and I are going to have a very long conversation about obedience.”


She should tell him that he had no right to boss her around. And that she wasn’t ever going to obey him.

Right. That’s what sheshoulddo.

So why did she find herself turning away and going out into the hallway?

Her feet were moving before her brain caught up to what she was thinking.

Noticing that the smoke smell had drifted through the house, she moved to the living room to open the windows.

Urgh. It was so hot and sticky outside, and she was letting out all the cool air.

But it couldn’t be helped.

Drat. She probably smelled like smoke too. And now her new outfit was ruined.

How had this ended up being such a disaster?


Sitting on the sofa, Jilly placed her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands.

So much for paying Regent back for getting rid of Clive for her.

“Jilly? Are you okay? Did the smoke get in your eyes?”

She startled and sat up, very nearly smacking her head into his face.

“Shit! Sorry!”

“Hey, I’m all right.” Reaching out, he brushed his thumb under her eye. “You’re crying. What’s wrong? Do you need a doctor? How much smoke did you inhale?”

“It’s not that. I’m fine. Well, not fine because I’m such an idiot,” she moaned. “I can’t get anything right. This whole night has been a disaster.”

“It hasn’t been that bad.”

“I’m surprised you can say that with a straight face.”

“Jilly, look at me.”

She noticed that he’d taken off his suit jacket. And rolled up his sleeves. What was it about forearms that made them so sexy?

She focused on his hands.

What would it be like if he cupped her bare breast with that hand? Or if he placed it over her stomach possessively?

A shudder ran through her as she stared into his slate gray eyes, watching as they softened, warmed. “Your eyes don’t look red and sore. Your throat is all right?”

“I’m fine. You were the one in the kitchen, fixing my mess. Are you all right?”

He nodded, his face growing stern. What now? “Jilly, why didn’t the smoke alarms go off?”

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