Page 232 of Ruthless King

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You can’t think about that now. You have to keep going. You have to keep them safe. If you don’t, Scott’s sacrifice will be in vain.

Keep going. Keep moving.

She had this. She totally had this.

I’m so scared.

“He’s trying to get you to reveal where we are,” she whispered back to Dan. “Be quiet.”

Jilly kept moving forward, pulling Mrs. Yards with her. They were going too slowly. They wouldn’t make it to the entrance to Regent’s house without Patrick catching them.

And she needed to lead him around first. Hopefully giving Regent enough time to get a plan into place.

She really, really wished Regent was with her right now. He’d know what to do.

Well, you don’t have him, so you’ll need to think of something yourself. And fast.

Good. Right. She needed a plan. Suddenly, it came to her.

“Follow me. I have an idea.”

A short tunnel that led off this one was coming up on the right. But the entrance was hidden behind a false wall. It would be a tight fit for the two of them, but it would keep them safe in the meantime.

Putting her free hand on the side of the tunnel, she ran it along until she felt the space.

“Come.” She gestured to them. “You both need to slide in and stay quiet.”

“What about you?” Mrs. Yards asked.

“I’m going to lead him away from you both.”

“Come with us,” Dan whispered. “He’ll give up.”

Jilly shook her head. “No, he won’t. I’ll lead him away. Hide. Please, Dan. Look after Mrs. Y.”

Jilly couldn’t bear it if something happened to them now. She was close to losing it over Scott. And she was the one that Patrick wanted. Not them.

Both of them hugged her, then hid behind the false wall. And she moved back to the main hallway. Now she could move faster. She raced toward the house, hoping Regent knew what he was doing.

Pausing, she tried to listen to where Patrick was.

Please let him get lost in here.

“Come out and play, Jilly. You don’t want anyone else dying, do you?”

God. What an asshole!

No way was she giving herself up to him.

Jilly kept moving. It would take a while to get to Regent. But Patrick couldn’t be far behind her.

Just keep calm.

Keep moving.

With her heart racing, she kept running as quietly as she could. The tunnels were dark, the air stale and damp. But every time her brain wanted her to second guess herself, instinct or memory or something kicked in, and she managed to find her way.

Please let Dan and Mrs. Yards be okay.

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