Page 62 of Justified Secrets

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The frown deepened. “You dishonor your father.”

“My father is okay with my behavior.”

Of course, Sam allowed her to be her own woman. That was Sam. She loved him for everything he was and was not. He supported her and loved her for who she was. He never told her that she owed him anything or that she was meant to bear a man’s babies. He also didn’t try to marry her off to his weird old friend.

He opened his mouth to say something, but she took a different tactic.

“Do I know you?”

The anger seemed to fade. “No. We never met in person, but we are related.”

She blinked. “In what way? If you’re talking about the cult?—”

“Joyous Wave is not a cult!”

His shout was out of left field, which told her this one might be nuttier than the rest. This one took it personally.

“Either way, I’m not related to that particular insanity anymore.”

He took a step forward, his hands clenched by his sides. “The insanity is you.”

Okay, that made no sense, but these people rarely did.

“How so?” she asked, cocking her head to study him.

“You are destined to help us.”

“That’s what Joseph told you.”

“Yes. That and you will be by his side to guide us.”

Absolutely fucking not. But she was pretty sure saying that might have him losing his temper. Most times, she would push that anger so that he lashed out, but she was feeling a bit beaten up. She needed to draw this out as long as possible.

“Tell me everything,” she said, her voice gentle. She knew from experience these idiots thought all women should be submissive.

He eyed her, suspicion darkening his looney gaze. “Why?”

“How can I know the brilliance unless I know what is about to happen?”

He sighed.

“Did Joseph order you to bring me to him right now?”

He shook his head. “He’s busy.”

Inwardly, she rolled her eyes. Being busy for Joseph meant one of three things: He was having sex, he was sleeping, or he was high.

“Okay, so,” she said, sitting on the bed, “tell me everything.”

Rami came back to the group, his feet barely making any noise. They were all good at these things, but Rami was a ghost. In fact, Seth knew that had been the former SEAL’s nickname while he served.

“Four guards, but they’re useless. They seem to spend more time talking than they do patrolling.”

“That’s odd, right?” Nikki asked.

“No. Actually, I studied this in college,” Kap said. “They did a case study and pointed out that most cults would have regular members patrolling. If there was a lot of organization within the cult, they would have a good team leader. But when they are in disarray, like I assume the Joyous Wave is, they will take whoever they can get. Lots of times, it’s just the biggest guys.”

“Yeah,” Rami said. “They’re huge. Several of them look like Pacific Islanders.”

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