Page 6 of Justified Secrets

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“Do you have another idea? Sitting here waiting for that bastard to make a move is not the smartest thing. That’s playing his game.”

This argument was tiring her out. Every time they got together lately, they ended up in a fight about it. She wasn’t going to change her mind. This was the only way to draw out that bastard. The only thing she was thankful for was that her brother and father believed her. Most people would nod and ask questions, but there was always a hint of disbelief in their voice that Joseph was still alive.

“And what do you call this?”


He sighed. She hated discussing this with Ian. He always took it to heart that she might get hurt. She knew there was a ninety-nine percent chance she wouldn’t make it out of thisalive. She knew what Joseph was after. The only way he achieved his success was if she were dead. At least if he still believed he was her biological father.

“Did you really tell Dad?”

He shook his head. “He’s got enough on his hands right now.”

Sam was moving to Hawaii. He’d had a kidney transplant four months ago and decided that life was too short to keep working. With both her and Ian living on Oahu, he picked Honolulu as his new home. It seemed like out of the blue, but Sam was like that. He would brood about something for months before making a decision. The problem was that, in most cases, his actions would put him in harm’s way—especially if Ian or she were involved.

“Why is he coming here?”

“You know. He wants to be close to us.”

Yeah, she understood that, but there was something else going on with him. Everything had been surface talk lately. He would ask about her job, about the weather…but nothing else. It made her suspicious of his true reason for coming to Hawaii. Probably because they didn’t know her entire plan. And if she worried about it too much, Ian would pick up on it.

“I’m hungry.”

“Color me surprised.”

Again, sarcasm. Truthfully, she understood it. Her metabolism mimicked a hobbit’s. Autumn was convinced that it had to do with her sixteen years in a cult. There was never enough food when she was a kid.

“Let’s get something to eat,” she said.

“You could cook.” One little-known fact about her was her love of cooking. It was something she’d learned after leaving the cult. Since she had to be tutored from home for the first year,she’d spent a lot of time watching TV, which was when she discovered cooking shows.

“Not in that kitchen. It’s a death trap.”

He followed her out of the door and onto the landing. She locked her door, although she was sure anyone could break in. It’s why she rented it.

“I mean at the other place.”

She stopped in her tracks and glanced over her shoulder at him. “No. I need to limit my time there now that we know Dear Leader is back on the islands.”

He nodded in understanding. She would not lead Joseph there.

“I think I need a big meal.”

“You always need a big meal,” he said, following her to his car. She was really amazed it still had the tires left. She’d picked this apartment building because it was close to work, and she didn’t care if people broke in.

“Where do you want to go?”

She checked the time and realized it was almost six. No wonder she was hungry. And that meant no Liliha Bakery. Bummer.

“Hmm, not sure. Do we want local cuisine or something else?”

“I don’t care, just not a dive bar. I think that last one gave me food poisoning.”

“It did not. It was all the alcohol.”

He cut her a glance but kept driving.

“I know. Let’s hit up that taco place in Aiea. The one in the gas station. Amanda and Felix went there one time, and it looked amazing.”

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