Page 50 of Justified Secrets

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“I like watching you eat.”

She rolled her eyes. “I have to sustain a high metabolism, and after last night’s activities, I’m worn out. I knew you would be good, but you have the stamina of a sex god.”

He felt his cheeks flush, and she giggled.

“Oh. My. Gawd. Did I just embarrass you?”

Seth chuckled. “You’re plain speaking.”

“I thought guys liked that.” Now she was frowning, her eyes looking worried. She looked so damned vulnerable, something he wasn’t used to seeing. He thought back to everything she’d told him. She had been raised in a bubble, without regular interactions outside of the cult. He was sure she sometimes had difficulty understanding all people, not just men.

“I do. It’s just that I’ve never been compared to a god before.”

“A sex god. Not just an ordinary god.”

He shook his head and started eating before his food got cold. The moment the custardy confection hit his taste buds, he moaned. He wasn’t a foodie, but damn.

“I’m good. Say it.”

He swallowed his bite. “Damn, why don’t you want people to know you can cook like this?”

Autumn sighed. “It goes back to my upbringing. Joseph didn’t think women could be good at anything other than the household things. Cooking, cleaning, having babies…he said we were too stupid.”

“What an asshole.”


“So you decided to go into law enforcement. Was that to spite him?”

“It was to find him.”

He blinked. “You’ve always thought he was alive? I thought they found DNA at the compound.”

She shrugged. “I know it makes me sound like a nut, but they said he was there taking care of the people. That was never a thing he did. He would let other people do all the work, even die if need be. He would not go down with the ship. So, after talking about it with Sam and Ian, I decided to go into law enforcement. Sam wanted me to enter MI-6, but I didn’t want to do spy work. Too dirty for my tastes.”

He frowned.

“Don’t worry. I know I sound like a nut, but with what happened with Jin and the Alana Kim case, I feel he’s still out there.” She shrugged. “He was always into drugs, especially synthetics.”

“You’re telling me he was a drug dealer.”

“Yeah, well, among other things. Joseph was a cheap conman in the truest sense. He scammed people out of their life savings, whether it was preaching to them or selling them drugs. We’ve?—”


“Sam, Ian, and I. We went through his history. Joseph wasn’t even his real name. Donald Reynolds. That was his real name. He did just about everything he could to make people earn money for him.”

“Just drugs?”

“Nope. He was a pimp too. Great guy, my mother picked to shack up with, huh?”

He wanted to dig deep into her thoughts and not just because of work. He wanted to know more about her, and whether she liked the fact or not, Joseph was a big part of her life. But he could feel her retreating back into the Autumn she showed other people, and he didn’t want that. He wanted the teasing woman who made him one of the best French toasts he had ever had.

“What are your plans this weekend? Are you doing anything with Sam?”

She shook her head. “It takes him a bit to acclimate to time change, so he’ll relax. I took a couple days off next week to hang out with him.”

Which was a good thing since she was a workaholic, but now he was jealous of the man who was a surrogate father.

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