Page 46 of Justified Secrets

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“Yes, you do.”

“I’m a grown woman who can handle herself.”

He made a rude noise in the back of his throat. “Did I say you couldn’t?”


“What I mean is, it’s nice to have a soft place to land every now and then.”

Her body went hot, her heart beating so hard against her chest she was sure there would be bruises. She had never been so charmed and turned on at the same time.

“You don’t want to do this.”

He leaned forward, his gaze connected to hers. He nipped at her bottom lip. “I think I know what I do and don’t want.”

“This is a mistake.”

“We won’t know until we make it. And let’s be honest…mistakes are sometimes amazing.”

She could hear the humor in his voice, the need that matched her own. Her nipples were hard, and it was taking every bit ofher control not to lean forward and turn his butterfly kisses into something more.

“Mistakes can also cause a lot of problems.”

“We’ve been dancing around this for months, Bradford. Why not see what happens when we both let go?”

“The consequences could be terrible.”

“They could also be delicious.”

She smiled, her defenses crumbling bit by bit. This man knew just what to say to get her to give in. And she wanted to. With every fiber of her being, she tried to fall into bed with this man. For just this night, she wanted to forget about everything and just feel.

She leaned forward and deepened their kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth. Everything seemed to still, even the air around them, before he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. She could feel his heart beating out of control precisely like hers. He tasted of temptation and something else—something she could never hope for. She regretted that…because this man would be wonderful to have in her life. She gave herself a quick second to regret that she wasn’t a normal woman, then let it go. Soon, she wouldn’t have a choice but to walk away to protect him, but she deserved this one night with him.

He lifted her up onto the counter, then kissed his way down her neck, nipping and licking her skin as he delved between her breasts. All the while, he was inching the skirt of her dress up her thighs, his callused fingers trailing along her skin. God, he was killing her with that mouth of his and the touch of his hands, and they were both fully dressed still.

He eased her back on the counter, then stilled as he pushed her dress up to reveal her bare pussy.

“Jesus,” he muttered, his gaze zeroed in between her legs. “I would have never lasted if I had known you weren’t wearing anything beneath this dress.”

“I rarely wear underwear,” Autumn said, her voice breathless, even to her own ears.

His gaze traveled up to capture hers. Darkened eyes, flushed skin. “I did not need to know that. You know that’s all I’ll think about whenever I’m around you?”

She blinked. “Sorry.”

He took her hand and tugged her into a sitting position again, and she frowned. Was he so disgusted with her that he was done? She never understood these moments because she had only had fast, furious fucks, but now, he was looking at her with such tenderness and heat…it was odd. It made her stomach flutter.

“Don’teverapologize for being who you are, Autumn. You’re an amazing woman who is as lethal with her sarcasm as she is with a gun. You. Are. Amazing.”

She blinked once more, her chest warming, and, for some reason, she almost felt like crying. Sam and Ian always said things like that, but it was different coming from a man like Seth. They loved her like a relative. Theyhadto say things like that.

“Thank you.”

He stepped back, and she opened her mouth to argue with him. She didn’t get a chance. Instead, he yanked her off the counter into a standing position. Then, he bent and took hold of her, rising with her over his shoulder.

“What are you doing? And I’m too heavy for this.”

He chuckled. “Darlin’, I’m trained to carry men like this. You weigh practically nothing compared to that.”

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