Page 23 of Justified Secrets

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“No. I want to go out with Maya and show Autumn how we look for people.”

Nikki frowned, but he shook his head. “I know you like doing the grappling, but we’re expecting a winter storm tomorrow. Best to do those things tomorrow and stick close to base so we can go out if needed.”

Winter storms on Oahu weren’t what mainlanders would think of as a storm. Instead, they were harsh northern winds with rain. Sometimes, the waves got so huge they came up and over Kam Highway on the windward side.

“Hey,” Nikki said, “are you going to Jin and Adam’s engagement party?”

She nodded. “No way I’m missing it, although Mrs. Lee told me I can’t wear cargo pants.” She rolled her eyes. Adam’s mom had taken her under her wing. If she could pick a mom for herself, it would be Merri Lee.

“Cool. Is this a date kind of thing?” Nikki asked.

“Why would you bring a date?” Rami asked, irritation threading his voice.

That told Autumn she was right about Rami’s attraction for the former Coastie. She knew that Rami had gone through quite a few women since he’d moved to the island. She had never seen him with the same woman twice. At first, she assumed it was his nature. In her opinion, there was nothing wrong with that, but something else seemed to be going on. Like, maybe he was trying to ignore his feelings for a team member.

“Ugh, a date? First, I have to wear a dress, and now this?”

Mrs. Lee hadn’t said anything about a date. She pulled out her phone and texted Adam’s mother. She would tell Autumn if she needed to bring a date or not.

“Do you have a dress?” Rami asked.

“Get bent, Rami. Of course, I have a dress.” She just hated to wear them. “So, do I have to bring a date? Can I just count Ian and Sam?”

“You can bring Ian any time you want to,” Nikki said.

Autumn made a face. “Ugh, not you, too.”

Nikki chuckled. “Well, if we’re going out, I’m gonna grab my gear.”

Rami stomped off after her as she headed back to the Bravo area. Their bickering faded as they rounded the corner. There were no rules about fraternization for TFH. It was allowed as long as someone wasn’t in the direct chain of command, but it had to be cleared with your team leader and Del.

“So, how do you feel about team members dating?” Autumn asked, her gaze still on where the two Bravo Team members had been.

When he didn’t answer, she glanced at him. He had the strangest expression on his face. “What?”

He blinked. “What?”

“I asked what you thought about team members dating.”

“Oh.” He said nothing for a second or two, then a flush hit his cheeks. Was he blushing? She tried not to smile, but it was hard not to. He went from being a hot former SEAL to adorable in the blink of an eye.

“Yeah, oh. I thought maybe you would have some kind of opinion since two of your team seem infatuated with each other.”

He glanced over to where Rami and Nikki had disappeared, then back at Autumn. “No.”

“No, you don’t agree with it?”

He shook his head. “No. I mean…” He took a deep breath and seemed to center himself. “I mean that those two are not interested in relationships. Either of them.”

“Oh, my sweet Summer child,” she said as she patted him on the shoulder.


“You think because both of them have said they aren’t interested in relationships, they don’t want them. It’s cute.”

“You think they’re lying?”

“No. Maybe they don’t want that. Maybe they’re lying to themselves.” She shrugged. “You never know what will happen when you meettheone.”

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