Page 56 of Kaphas

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Blinding ecstasy flashed through her as he roared, his arms encircling her, hot bands of possessive fury that sealed her to his flesh. He held her bound to his glorious body, moving her on his cock until their hips clashed with a desperate fury. She had no air, no words, no ability to do anything but endure the divine sledgehammer he became, smashing through the filthy, angry darkness inside her. But it was inhisorgasm, inhisotherworldly, ear-splitting screech that all things around him and all things within her, became whole. Became new. Became her very own heaven.



It was the first human emotion Fathom experienced when Fetch and Fin pushed into his mind and put the brakes on his power.

He’d lost control with her.

Help me!

Fetch ordered,Check her.

He realized he had the ability to not only check her butfeeleverything about her. Relief smoothed his jagged breaths when he discovered his wife wasmorethan perfectly healthy. She was glowing inside and the tempo of her heartbeat bore his mark as did the rest of her, down to her perfect little cells. Thesealwas complete. And so was he. Now he’d begin evolving. Him with her and her with him. They would become what the universal law referred to as—one.


Her fear staked every cell and instantly he pulled back, further assessing. He realized she was too perfect, and her human counterparts weren’t accustomed.

He kissed her softly, sending electrical currents through his tongue to cancel the newness scaring her. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “What you're feeling is me, now a part of you. As you are a part of me.”

He carried her to their bed and laid her on it, his mouth never leaving hers as she moaned through the healing he’d just administered.

“Did you love it as much as I did, Rosalie?”

She filled his mouth with eager breaths, and wrapped her legs around him, eager for more.

Her needs were like teeth in all his muscles as his cock literally vibrated with electrical surges. “I need to calm down first,” he murmured at her lips. “So I don’t accidentally kill you.”

She pulled his face to her mouth and gave him a passionate kiss, as if his warning merely spiked her desire.

“Rosalie,” he croaked, fighting her and himself. “You need this?”

“So much,” she moaned.

“One more, but I must do it differently. To protect you.”

She got up on her elbows when he knelt between her legs, opening those perfect little limbs. He lay on the bed, licking along her inner thigh, sending electrical currents through her with each flick as he gently worked his first two fingers inside her.

She arched with a gasp, her tiny hands grabbing his wrist and pulling him deeper. “Oh Fathom.”

At the bottom of her, he focused small electrical charges at her G-spot, getting her shocked cries. They were kryptonite to his self-control, he instantly realized. His canines extended and vibrated, ready to play again. He could bite her petal and send his little friends to deliver the perfect orgasm. Or he could use the charge on his tongue and save the first idea for a special occasion.

He lapped at her clit with a hunger, relishing in the sounds it brought and the harsh thrust of her hips against his mouth. She was already there, banging and clawing at ecstasy’s door. He would need to teach her endurance so that his Rosalie hungers were thoroughly fed. But for now, he’d give his delicate wife what she needed that instant.

Fathom added more heat and vibration to the tips of his finger and created a sharp, light hammering against her core as he gathered low electrical pulses into the tip of his tongue. He captured her clit in a hungry suction and flicked the electrical gift right onto the hard flesh.

Her orgasm detonated and sent Fathom’s powers flying through him while he held her thighs tightly to the bed, feeling the changes their union created light up. Like a unique fingerprint upon their cells, it formed a symphony of electrical vibrations. Their wedding song. And the otherworldly pleasure was surely their wedding dance. And he knew without a doubt they’d move to this music very often.

Fathom kissed his way toward the erotic sounds still pouring from his wife’s mouth. By the time he made it to her lips, he was smiling at the song she’d sung to him. “How is it that your pleasure is still climbing?”

She breathed out a laugh. “Because’re... a miracle!”

Fathom pulled up at hearing the emotion flooding her words. Her tears and blinding smile filled every inch of him with his new powers. “What is this phenomenon?” he marveled, sliding his thumb over her tears and bringing it to his tongue. A mixture of unfamiliar chemicals confirmed the wonder as he studied the event still happening right there on her pretty face.

“It’s...the most...powerful joy I have ever known,” she said, the tears coming faster. “I have never imagined such a thing was even...possible.”

She flung her tiny arms around his neck, and he scooped her up, sealing her soft body against his. Her description produced a furious and hungry possession that astonished him. “Your words imprison me in such rapture. Such power. I too have never known these things that should not be possible but are.”

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