Page 42 of Kaphas

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“She’s angry,” Fathommarveled to Fin when Rosalie walked off. “And do you know why?”

“I can’tfathomit,” Fin muttered, also at his wits end.

“First, I asked what was wrong.”

Fin shook his head. “What did she say?”

Fathom considered it. “With only hergaze, she labeled mestupid.Then walked off.”

“Look but don’t look,” Fin said, using his peripheral. “Her sister is glaring me down now. Do you suppose our symbiosis is contagious to them in some way? Their moods are nearly perfectly synced.”

“Ifathomwe need to reinstate using our gifts.”

“Thank the circuit gods,” Fin said, facing away from their wives with a full scowl. “I’m ready to rip her open to find out what’s been hiding from my mind in plain sight.”

“Whatpuzzlesme is that she’s still giving off an insane amount of arousal signals butrefusesto act on a single one of them.”

“Your puzzle is identical to mine,” Fin assured. “And if I hear our brotherfuckhis wife one more time, I can’t guarantee what I will do to Elanore.”

“You can’t hurt her.”

“But I can hurtyoufor thinking I need reminding. Ithirstto test every parameter regarding that protection mechanism. Define theexactboundaries. And then spend a week on the very edge of it with my ever-moody human wife.”

Fathom spent ten seconds immersed in such a scenario and had to come up for air before he combusted from the lust it produced. “A delicious solution indeed.”

Fathom backtracked to the first day in Newark when he and Fin encountered their human’s apprehension with sex. They’d determined to wait untilsheinitiated the link, a seemingly reasonable solution given their wives’ past sexual abuse and the way it aligned with the culture’s mindset regarding sexual consent. Five days of that nonsense left their plan to grow their bonds in shambles.

Fathom stiffened and braced for impact when Rosalie headed his way again. There was an invisible cord between them that wound his every muscle and every inch of his cock anytime she was near. Whenever she movedawayfrom him, it tightened. And when she got close, it tightened.

“May I speak to you?” she asked the air next to him.

“You may,” he said, waiting for the ire his simple answers always brought to her.

She merely spun off and he followed, his own frustrations mounting right along with his arousal. She stopped in the hall after rounding a corner and turned with her arms crossed, still not looking at him. Her head barely shook as she glared at the floor, and he stared at the creamy skin above her royal blue velvet dress.


“What have I done to you?” she demanded, slamming her angry eyes into him. “Why are you treating me so differently?”

“I had the same question for you, Rosalie.”

His words appeared to have slapped her, initiating yetanotherpuzzle with her. “Ever since we came back from the trip to the city you’ve been actingveryweird. Did something happen when you went with your brothers to thatbar?Elenore noticed it too,” she said, her accusing tone not only baffling him but doing other odd things that involved his confused cock. “Of course Rowan doesn’t notice anything, she’s too busy getting her brains you know what by herhusband.We both know they screw every night as loud as can be and probably all day, only someplace else, and Elanore and I are fed up guessing about what we’ve done. Did you meet another woman and realize we’re not good enough? You don’t kiss me, you don’t touch me. And youusedto!” she snapped, pointing at him.

He stood in utter shock at every single one of herunfathomabledelicious words. “There can be no other woman but you—”

“Because you’re forced!” she further accused.

“No, because I don’twantanother woman, I wantyou, Rosalie.”

She shot out a single, angry laugh before leaning in and muttering, “Well I. Can’t. Tell.”

He watched her storm off then followed, stopping at Fin.

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