Page 39 of Kaphas

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“When you formulate a specific command, the neural interface captures those thoughts and converts them into actionable signals for the hand.” Quantum pointed to a holographic display that materialized beside the bed, showing the internal components of the new appendage. “You see these? Those are the power modulators. They regulate the flow of energy, adjusting the intensity and amount being released based on your commands.

“Also, it’s equipped with a haptic feedback system,” he went on. “That system provides tactile sensations, such as vibrations or pressure, to inform you of the current energy levels and adjustments. This allows you to feel the changes and make precise modifications.”

Zodak flexed his new fingers again, feeling a faint vibration. “How does it all work together?”

Quantum’s golden gaze met Zodak’s. “When you wish to adjust the energy level, you mentally focus on the desired change. For power increase, you think ‘increase power.’ The neural interface captures this command and transmits signals to the hand’s onboard computer. The control software processes these signals and determines the precise amount of energy to release. The power modulators then adjust the energy output accordingly.”

Zodak nodded, his amazement growing.

“Ready to test it?”


Quantum led him to another area of the large room. “First, your hand is capable of three functions, all performed by neural commands. One is converting the dark energy you siphon into usable physical power that can be discharged from the hand. The second is safely storing the dark energy for later use when you may need it. And the third is neutralizing and expelling. All of these functions have limitations that are calculated by your health status at the time the energy is siphoned. These measures will fluctuate based on that.”

He stood on his right now. “I’ve modified basic energy to mimic the dark energy you siphon and placed it in the hand for testing. We’ll begin with a high-intensity energy blast. The energy exits the fingertips, so...brace your stance, aim them at the target and think ‘maximum power.’”

Zodak did as instructed, and a surge of vibrating heat moved through his bones, blood and skin then shot from his fingertips and obliterated the target.

His brother’s loud cheers erupted from the adjoining room as Zodak’s breaths of astonishment flowed from him. “There’s a strong vibration but it’s fading.”

“That’s the haptic feedback system telling you what maximum output feels like. Let’s try a low-intensity blast. Aim at the next target and think ‘low intensity.’”

Zodak aimed and thought,low intensity. The hand emitted a controlled, low-energy blast that only knocked the target over followed by a gentle vibration this time.

“Perfect,” Quantum said. “Now, let’s test the conversion of dark energy into physical strength.” He directed him to the gravity weights next to the targets he’d destroyed. “As you approach the weight, think ‘increase strength gradually.’”

Zodak approached the large gravity weight and did as told, feeling strength build throughout his entire body as he lifted the weight with ease. The haptic feedback provided continuous sensations as he then set them down with the same control, grinning in awe.

“Yes?” Quantum asked, grinning back at him.

“A thousand yeses,” he said in awe.

“Also, your hand includes several safety features,” Quantum said. “Should the system detect potential overload or harmful energy levels, it will automatically shut down or reduce power. But, you also have the option to manually override the system with specific neural commands or physical controls on the hand. Regular recalibration ensures the neural interface and power modulators remain accurate and responsive.”

Zodak flexed his hand one last time, feeling more in tune with the advanced technology. “This is remarkable.”

“I’m afraid it’s your gift that is remarkable,” Quantum assured. “With this hand, you can now adapt to all situations. And you no longer need to fear being controlled by any darkness you siphon. You are the complete master of it now.”

Zodak’s joy and relief washed through him at having his greatest fears absolved. “How can I repay you?” he wondered, sure he must.

“I’d like permission to use the neural siphoning template I obtained from your cerebral cortex to incorporate into my soldiers.”

He’d been updated on all things Quantum King related by Seer and happily agreed. “You have my permission.”

“I know you want to see Zeen again, so we’ll take a break. Meet me back here in three hours and we’ll finish going over all the bells and whistles. Your and Zeen’s room has been prepared and my lovely wife has planned a celebratory party of sorts this evening for our esteemed guests. We hope you both join us. My staff has provided all formal attire to your wardrobes should you and Zeen decide to attend.”

“It would be our honor,” Zodak assured with a nod.

Quantum nodded back. “Until then, Brother.”


ZODAK PAUSED AT THEdoor to their new private suite, gathering his courage and catching hold of his fears. They’d returned again from the abyss of no-more where he’d thrown them. They were like a boomerang plague, destined to devour him. For her sake, he couldn’t let it. Or his. He needed her as much as she needed him. But it was seeing her need that gave him all the fight required to find a way.

He raised his robotic hand a little and gazed down at it. It was the weapon he’d needed all along. Now he had it. And all the unknowns with Zeen were now known thanks to the Quantum King. He had nothing to fear. He decided to knock and delivered three with his knuckles on the thick wooden door.

Laughter drew his gaze down the hall where three of the nuns raced toward a room. “Who is it?” Zeen called.

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