Page 11 of Kaphas

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He bit his smile at her tight-jawed mumble. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

She repeated it louder and he smiled. “That’s better. Was that so hard?”

“No. Master Harlow.”

“I can only assume you’ve forgotten all about my punishments, Miss Gibbons. In which case I will see to you never forgetting them again. Understood?”

Fuck, he was aroused out of his mind as she fought with her rebellion. “Yes, Mr. Harlow.”

Oh fuck, he loved this woman. “That one will cost you. Right on your cunt,” he barely said. “Two minutes.” He hung up and took five seconds to catch his breath before turning his grinning self around and heading for the door.

“Bye Master Harlow,” Kult said with gleeful sadistic approval.


VEX STARED OUT OF THEtwo-story bedroom window, his gaze moving over the endless forest while his mind taunted him in an endless loop. Call her. Finish what you started. No, whatshestarted.

He was no stranger to an undisciplined mind, but he surely wasn’t accustomed to one. Not since he was a young boy. He was above it, a master over his emotions and mind.

Finish what you started, his mind whispered.What she started.

He closed his eyes, allowing himself to skirt that razor’s edge, letting it bite into his mind and body till every part of him pulsed with... the power of it. He couldn’t deny the allure of what it promised. Not less. But more. More power. If he would just embrace it. Allow it to become entangled with all that he was.Itwanted him to possess whathedesired. To conquer all that resisted him. It wanted to see her on her knees before him, obeying every manner of command he gave.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he quickly fished out the lifeline as the flames consumed him. He froze at seeing her name then opened his pandora’s box, his cock lurching eagerly as he read her text.

So...I’ve been thinking...

Really. Have you. And now you’re baiting me.

He slid the phone back in his pocket. “I’m not your toy, Miss Skelton,” he mumbled, making his way out of his room and knocking on Lore’s door.

“Come in.”

He opened it, finding his brother sitting at the table for two near the window much like his. He spotted a notebook before him as he made his way over.

“Bored out of your mind, brother?” Lore asked, his voice like silk over his nerves.

He didn’t like it. Rigid and unforgiving was his new preferred mood. He pulled a chair out and sat as Lore continued staring out the window.

“I cannot get her out of my mind,” Lore mused quietly.

The surprising words had Vex’s immediate and full attention.

“I sometimes wonder if I imagined all of it.” He finally looked at him. “I met her last night. She and her sister were at the top of this castle, whispering like an errant wind. Searching for Handy.”


Lore nodded. “Seems so. The one was sad, and the other...was comforting her. She was a vision. Her hair...silky...and fiery. White gown down to her little bare feet. Eyes so full of...passion that I cannot even recall their color.” His gaze burned on him as he relived the moment. “I did things to her,” he whispered. “Things that caused her heart to race and breaths to run and hide from me. I touched her,” he added, his mouth barely tugging at the corner. “Held her tiny hand in mine as she and her sisterprayedfor Zodak. Only she didn’t pray, she stared right into my eyes. Unable to speak, barely able to breathe. Then...the strangest urge took me, possessed me.” His gaze sharpened on him again. “To taste.”

Vex listened, aware of the spell he obliviously weaved with his voice.

“I lifted her hand and pressed my lips to her silky skin.” A heat filled his dazed eyes. “ a frightened butterfly, she took flight and fluttered away. And now...all I want...all I can think about... is seeing her again. Touching her again. Tasting her again. Only this time I don’t want to stop.” His blue eyes again sharpened on him. “I want to touch every inch of her, inside and out.”

He finally stood and parked himself before the window. “Don’t worry, I’ve determinednotto leave my room.”

He held his tongue, realizing his response was outrageous. “What is her name?”

Vex eyed his brother’s back for many seconds. “Natasha,” he finally breathed, his tone washed in awe.

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