Page 87 of Shank

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“Perhaps talk it over with your men and call me.”

“As long as it doesn’t interfere with our Belle Eveque’s husband and wife classes, anytime works.”

“On second thought,” Nidev said. “May I ask that you bring her to the meeting but no other. I believe her insight is important for this.”

Great. Now he’d have to tell her all the shitpriorto that. Maybe he’d just let her ask her questions at the meeting since all he had was a bunch of cryptic pieces that nobody was sure about. “I’ll let her know. Anything else?”

“If more comes up, I’ll call you immediately.”

Bishop hung up and set his phone down to brace both hands on the lavatory. It was coming. Whatever it was, it was fucking coming. And it was big. So big, nobody would be stopping it. Because it wasn’t meant to be stopped. Like a hurricane, you could only brace for impact.

Yeah, expanding the swamp was right. It was theonething he got peace about when he considered it. That had to mean something.

He picked up his phone and opened the Twelve chat, typing in the emergency code then setting it back down. He picked up the phone and added his blood brothers to the chat too now that they were officially a part of it.

Bart was the first one on. “What we got here?”

“It’s the Twelve chat. We have an emergency meeting called by the Creole Kings.”

“Damn, again?”

“Ace’s woman knows what Rukem’s coin means. We’re meeting in the Syphon King’s place to find that out.”

“Hell yeah,” he celebrated. “I hear that one’s creepy as fuck.”

“He’s definitely different,” Bishop said.

Nitro came on.

“There’s to be another meeting with the Kings,” Bart told him.

Seer and Traps logged on. Then 8-Bit.

“Another meeting with the Kings boys,” Bart announced. “Ace’s woman knows what Rukem’s coin means. Finally getting some action.”

Hurricane, Bullets and Spar came next. “Another meeting with the Kings,” Bart called out. “Ace’s woman knows what Rukem’s coin means.”

“Who’s missing?” Bishop wondered.

Bart took a head count. “Missing Bacon, Patches, Lesion.”

“Jek’s here,” Bart said. “Shank already knows.”

“When we want to do this?” Bishop asked. “Ball’s in our court to decide. Told him as long as we didn’t miss the Belle Eveque’s classes, any time’s good.”

“Hell, we’ve been hitting ball-park figures for swamp expansion since the hour we knew about it,” Jek said.

“Any time’s good for me,” Zep said. “Hurricane, you ready for some wreckin’ ballin’?”

“I have traps to run later tonight,” August said after signing in.

“Betty Bulldozer and her sisters are ready,” Hurricane guaranteed.

“How’s the family?” Bishop asked, smiling about it.

“Bruh,” he said, bringing a round of laughs at his astonishment. “I’m in hog-fuckin’ heaven. I got the most adorable kid named Little Troy Abner. I’m in love.”

“Just with the kid?” Bullets wondered.

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