Page 81 of Shank

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“My boat is leaving, ladies,” he announced, turning to his little friend and putting his hand out. She grabbed hold of three of his fingers and shook it bigly, making him laugh. “It was the greatest delight meeting you, Miss Rosavelt.”

“Miss,” she scowled, repulsed at the title, bringing more of his laughter. “I’m not amiss.I’mjustRosavelt.”

“Just Rosavelt it is.” He nodded politely to her mother than grandmother. “Excuse me.”

“Yes sir,” they both said as he made his exit, his brain on fire with all the female data scorching its circuits.


Darby woke up, realizing she’d fallen asleep. In Rukem’s arms.

Her heart went into a hammer frenzy at what they’d done. Oh God. What she’d said. Whathe’dsaid. He didn’t know how to give less than everything. More romantic words had never been said to her. Was he serious? She couldn’t imagine himnotbeing. He wasn’t the monster Keith had been and she had other people involved this time. Ace was good people and wouldn’t let her get hurt, that counted for something. And Sophie, she was real and sweet and caring. All the other Kings were there, sentinels of justice, guardians of all things noble.

God, was shereaching?Creating a safe heaven out of sheer desperation for it?

Her beautiful lover friend took a deep breath and pulled her closer with a sexually satisfied moan that sent her pulse between her legs,instantly. All the things he’d done and said brought flutters in her chest and stomach and privates. He wassovery good at being dominant. As if this person had always been there and was waiting for an opportunity and the second he had it, he performed with a flawless perfection. No exaggeration. At least not in her book and that was the only book she gave a crap about.

Now she needed to know if he would fulfill her wildest dreams and continue their dynamic on a daily basis. Or would he just do it sometimes? She wanted it fifty-four seven and seven hundred days a freaking year. He said she got to choose, she remembered. Tell him what she needed and wanted so he could do it to perfection. He’d done that literally so why wouldn’t the other stuff be literal?

Crap, she needed to peebad!

She slowly rolled out from under his heavy arm and got tugged back into his body. “Not yet,” he murmured, stealing her breath. “I need this dream to last.”

Mercy, his rough, sleepy voice was auditory sex. “I just need to pee,” she whispered. “Then I’m all yours again.” God, did she just say that?

“Swear it.”

“I swear it.”

“Say all the words.”

She smiled. “I swear I’ll be all yours again after I pee.”

“For how long?”

Why sodeepsoearly?“However long you want me.”

“Mmm. Are you available every second of the day?”

She giggled. “I… don’t think that’s possible.”

“But if it were?”

“Then yes. Till you’re tired of me.”

“It is you who will tire of me, My Meeski.”

She smiled. My Meeski. “Not possible. And what does My Meeski mean?”

“It meansmy lovein Aymara, my native tongue.”

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered, smiling.

“Youare the beautiful one. Will you marry me?”

She gave a light gasp. “Are you trying to make me pee on myself with such a question?”

He chuckled and sat up, using his arm under her to pull her up with him. He held her waist and lifted her off the couch. “Mmm, your beauty makes me so hungry I wouldkillfor it.”

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