Page 57 of Shank

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“Are you?”

She nodded, hugging him tighter. “I haven’t put my lips on you yet.”

“Yet,” he murmured. “What’s going to happen when you do?”

She pulled back, smiling at him. “Something amazing,” she assured. “I won’t use my lips until then. “But I know I’m supposed to use them here.”

His breath caught with her soft grip on his cock.

“And I’m supposed to use mine here,” he said, gripping her denim covered pussy, getting her sharp gasp.

“You?” she whispered. “Are…supposedto do that?”

He nodded. “And many other things.”

Her innocent, sweet gaze boiled him. “What…other things will you do there? It’s very hot right now, it…aches.”

“Because it fucking needs my tongue on it.”

She gasped, searching his eyes. “Your tongue on it?”

“All over it,” he said, his hands lowering over her ass. “Till you’re pulling my fucking hair.”

Her breaths hit his mouth. “Ace, I’m…what must I say to make you do this to me?”

“You drive me crazy,” he whispered.

“I’m begging,” she gasped, her lips dangerously close. “I want to kiss you so badly, but Imustwait. Please help me wait,” she said weakly.

“You telling me you’ve never had this kind of pleasure?”

Her mouth flew open as he pushed his leg between hers. “No,” she breathed, barely shaking her head. “Ace,” she murmured, her eyes closing, moving herself on him. “What’s happening?”

“Get on,” he ordered. “I’m taking you home. But before you put your mouth on me,you’refirst.”


The first revelation Rukem gained about fishing was that there was a lot more that went into pulling a fish out of the water than he’d ever imagined. There seemed to be two classes, or three types of fishers. People who fished to eat. People who fished for pleasure or the sport slash art of it. And people who fished for both. The fishing to eat seemed the simplest, even while it incorporated theartof fishing. Maybe it was divorcing the pleasure of fishing from the need for food that made the fishing to eat less rigorous. Bait your line, throw it in, get the food, go.

But as he sat in silence, clearing his mind of everything while next to Darby—per her request for maximum effect—an epiphany happened. While looking at the land and wildlife, smelling and feeling the sun and breeze on his body, he began to merge into his surroundings. At first, he felt like a smudge on the canvas but as the minutes passed, he felt himself bleeding into the textures and colors of the creation he sat in. And then he realized the canvas he sat in was his. Not something he owned but a gift for him to enjoy. A sanctuary with no work, no worries, no cares or thoughts. Where he was safe to remove his shoes and open the doors of his mind, the pores on his skin, and just absorb and be absorbed.

Darby had called it becomingonewith nature. He was familiar with the cliche and found it cute that she believed in something even while having never experienced it. She aimed her quiet smile at him and suddenly all the colors, air, smells and sounds, were pointed to her.Look.Themostbeautifulcreationonthewholeplanetis right next to you, smiling at you.Each time he met her green gaze he let himself enter it. A universe within a universe, a world within a world, a person within a person.Mergewithmeher eyes called each time.Merge your soul with mineher smile whispered.

He wanted nothing more but wasn’t sure how to do that without causing damage to the things he needed to heal and protect.

Darby glanced up and around, wincing at the darkening clouds.

The crushing idea of ending the most profound experience was subdued by the realization that it wouldn’t end. Becauseshewas the canvas. And this merging phenomenon would continue wherever they went.

“Are you happy it’s gonna rain ‘cause you’re mad you didn’t get a bite?” she whispered.

He looked around them and marked the change of colors and texture in the canvas then at her. “No. But I amhappy.”

She smiled with surprised brows. “Really? You like not catching fish?”

Rukem resisted the urge to tell her what it was he liked. “I just enjoyed this more than I thought I might.”

Her legs swung back and forth over the pier as she smiled proudly about that. “It’s because I’m such good company,” she muttered.

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