Page 25 of Shank

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“I’m not…super religious, brother, but this sounds like end of the world kind of talk.”

Shank glanced at him when he shook his head. “Nope. Not the end of the world. End of an age.” He glanced at him. “Think of what it must’ve been like when Rome fell.”

Shank remembered and wondered, “I heard world-wide mentioned.”

“You did. And it will be felt around the world in many ways and degrees.”

That left only one important question. “Who is Rome?”

He took in a deep breath and let it out. “Who do you think, Son?”

Shank came to a stop and so did Seer. “What are you saying?”

Seer faced him fully. “When the sins of the world reach a measure, God has set in place a cleanse. Throughout all of history, you can spot them. Man made disasters and natural. Sometimes both. As a result, a kind of purging occurs. In all scenarios, humanity is brought to its knees. Their hearts and minds undergo a transformation as they are returned to the most simple of God’s divine templates.”

Shank waited then wondered, “What is it?” when Seer didn’t go on.

The Seer again clamped a firm hand on his shoulder and locked him up in his fierce gaze. “Every man is a fingerprint. Every fingerprint has its very own divine template. And it’s for each person to learn what that template is and reconnect with it in such a purge.” His hand slid off and disappeared in the pocket of his long black coat. “It may be a worldwide event, but between each human and God, it’s a veryprivateevent. And I have no idea what that event will look like for anybody but myself.” He gave him a small grin. “I do look forward to learning what sort oflessonsyou’ll be learning in it all.”

Shank shook his head as dread curled in his stomach. “How is it that you’re excited about something like this?”

His entire face lit up with a burning passion. “Because we are about to see with our own human eyes the God of the Universemove! What will this holy, perfect chastisement hold? What will it look like? Thirteen obsidian coins. Thirteen Kings. Thirteen Bishops and one very odd fourteenth couple.” A great marvel overtook his handsome face. “A tempest of unholy fury is brewing on the horizon, brother. And God is mobilizing one hell of an army to accomplish His Perfect Will.”


“What,” Rukem demanded when he opened his apartment door to the last person he wanted to see but needed to.

“Was wanting to talk about all that happened tonight. See where your head is and what you believe,” Ace said.

“Why does it matter what I believe?”

Ace looked down the hall before eyeing him. “I trust our Seer and believe him. That means what you believe affects me, Sophie, and Darby.”

Rukem could only stare, torn between wanting to beat him and needing somebody to talk to.

“IknowI fucked up,” Ace said directly to his face. “I shouldn’t have taken her so soon before knowing more. And if you wanna kick my ass, then I’m fine with that. Do it,” he said, arms spread. “I’ll take whatever you wanna give. Gladly,” he assured, his eyes still locked on his. “I never want to hurt her, yougottaknow that.”

Rukem didn’t want to see genuine remorse, he wanted to see an idiot he could hate but then… He opened the door and stood aside. “I don’t know what I believe.” He gestured him in with a heavy arm.

Ace entered and he shut the door, facing him before launching the issue off his tongue. “I have a real problem.” He passed him and headed for the couch. “You want anything? Kitchens over there if you do.”

“Nah, I’m good.”

Ace sat on the chair next to the couch and Rukem felt his gaze as he debated how to put everything into words. Dammit, the Mutt didn’t know a thing about what had happened. “IkissedDarby Mae,” he said, starting at the heart of it.

“Really,” he said, sounding curious and glad all wrapped in accusation.

“I needed the Kings to know she’s not open for any type of…selecting for anything. So, I wanted to do something that would show them that and kissing her in their presence seemeddefinitive.”

Ace leaned forward, forearms on knees, hands clasped, eyes zeroed in. “Did they get the message?”

Rukem didn’t like the direct ogling and stood. “No, because she convinced me we should practice the kiss unless I botch it with my inexperience and cause suspicion rather than clarity regarding our relationship status.” He headed to the fridge. “You want a water? I’m getting a water.”

“You got any coffee?”

Rukem stared at him from the fridge. “It’s one in the morning.”

He shrugged. “Not like I’ll be sleeping.”

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